Sonntag, 13. Juli 2003

13.07.03 Star Search (with Translation) # (sa)

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Presentor (P): The second wonder is thirteen years old. He has a twin brother; together they form a band that makes, they say, “independent music”. He is a person who cares very much about style; he has already found his own when he was very young, and that’s not only on the area of music, but also in his outfit.

B: I am Bill, I’m from Loitsche, that’s a place near Magdeburg; approximately 20 minutes away and I’m thirteen years old.

[Fragment of Devilish playing “it’s so hard to live”]

B: I’m in the next round! Great!

[Fragment Bill singing “Angels”]

B: I’m speechless now; I have to process this first [Laughs]

I’m really relieved I’m in the next round, that’s totally great… indescribable.

We all didn’t really like my T-shirt, so I cut it up and in the end it looked pretty cool actually so I’ve put it on.

P: That’s how simple it is, ladies and gentlemen. And he isn’t speechless fro a long time now. This evening Bill will be singing, live on our stage here, “It’s raining men”! Here is Bill!

[Bill singing “It’s raining men”]

B: Thank you very much!

P: That was Bill, ladies and Gentlemen!

Even with twenty points you can’t be sure that you’re in the finals. Bill, fantastic performance. Really unbelievable; you get here and you always have all your stuff with you yourself. How do you get these ideas?

B: Well erm, I simply find it boring to walk around like everybody else, I find it really great to stand out and do something special.

P: Well, you’ve certainly done that this today.

B: Thank you.

P: Was you’re mother here today?

B: Yes

P: Who are further here with you?

B: My grandmother is here, and my mother’s boyfriend…

P: Yes, but you are a bit sad, because someone who is very important to you isn’t here, aren’t you?

B: Yes, well, I’m a bit sad because my girlfriend isn’t here; she is on vacation. And my brother isn’t here either; he stayed at home.

P: Exactly, but your girlfriend has told me she would watch it.

B: Yes, my brother too.

P: It’s a good thing you can also watch Star search in Italy! And she definitely will be keeping her fingers crossed for you.

B: Yes.

P: Bill, now we’re going to hear what the jury will say; Jasmin, go ahead!

Jasmin: Yes, I can finally start! Congratulations with this performance, really a fantastic achievement, you could see you were really enjoying it. Normally a record company has to do a lot of work for beginning artists, like advising about image and styling and all that sort of thing, but you’ve taken this all with you. A great performance too, a voluminous voice that’s really incredible, and I think that when you continue doing this it could really only get better. And my fingers make me do it again; five points for you!

B: Thank you very much!

P: Hugo

Hugo: At first I thought we’d invited a dwarf in here, but then you’ve told us you made it up yourself, and I like that; when you like it yourself it’s okay with me. Your voice hasn’t really convinced me; it’s very funny; amusing and I think the chance fro to do something funny is big. Something different then a different gentleman with glasses, something better I assume, you know me.

B: Yes.

Hugo: I give you four points.

B: Thank you.

P: Four points from Hugo. Alexandra!

Alexandra: You are something very special, you’ve moved really great. Your voice is still developable, but I want to see more of you, I give you four points.

B: Thank you.

4th jury member, Igo or something: A super performance, great, really. Your hair is really cool, super! And super styling, totally complete. Your voice; madness. From me; five points!

B: Thank you very much!

P: Five points from Igo(?)! Yes, and Igo knows what good styling is, doesn’t he?

B: Hmhm.

P: Well, I think there are many possible ways this evening can end. (I see only two actually-_-) And when I see you here I know that we don’t need to worry about the future of German musicians; there is more than enough potential out there! And when your friends are being fair, hominy points would they give you?

Oliver: Maybe five.

P: Maybe five. And how many would they give him?

O: Five, I think.

P: Also five? Well, when your friends are really fair.

O: Yes.

P: yes, but you friends would maybe do it differently when they want you to go to the next round, wouldn’t they?

B: [“No idea”-gesture]

P: We will see. Please grade both of them. To grade Oliver call 0137910000 and then the grade; 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. To grade Bill call 0137920000 and the grade; 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. So call now and grade Oliver and bill, and we have a very cool prise for the callers, don’t we? We’ll be right back to you with the results!

P: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, at the last sixteen of “Starsearch; the stars of tomorrow”. Please don’t call anymore for Oliver and Bill, because now the points are being counted and then we’ll know which one of you will go to the next round. The quarterfinals are next Friday. One winner is already known; the winner of yesterday evening. Lets see, this is Joe from Bittenburg. And the winner this evening will be competing with Joe next Friday evening. And remember; if you don’t make it to the next round not everything is lost yet. You know that Justin Timberlake lost the American version of Starsearch, and where is he now? And if you don’t make it, you still get this cool Starsearch karaoke-machine, with a recorder so you can see yourself singing and much more, a cool thing.

But now we will se what the outcome is. The jury has given Oliver the maximal score; 20 points. Bill was not bad; 18 points. A tight match. And now we want to know; How graded Germany for Oliver and Bill? Here are the points for Oliver.

18 Points for Oliver, that’s 38 points together! That means, Bill; when Germany gives you the maximal score of 20 you will be going to the next round, because the audience here gave you two points more. Now keep your fingers crossed for your friends and family; who will come in the semi-finals? Here are the points for Bill.

17 Points for Bill, that means Oliver is in the semi-finals!

[Bill hugs Oliver]

P: Bill, you’ve given us so much entertainment and I thing very much people want to be just like you now.

B: Thank you.

P: And you get the cool karaoke-machine

B: Okay, thank you

P: And this cool applause from the audience

B: Thank you. Bye

P: Bill, thank you, ciao!