Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

26.01.08 David Jost in Cannes #

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26.01.08 NRJ Awards (Fan Clip) # (a)

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26.01.08 NRJ Awards Fan Clips #

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Hochgeladen von ITINERANCE_PROD

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Monter des marche tokio hotel nrj
Hochgeladen von Bradley-Dim

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Hochgeladen von chacha483

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Hochgeladen von estellebloom

26.01.08 Interview After the NRJ Award (with translation)#

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Bill - We're very happy, we're very glad. We can't believe it. What's happened during these two past years, it's extraordinary. Being here, the success in France, being here at the NRJ awards in competition with so great artists... It's really awesome.

Tom - This award will have pride of place because it's our first award in France which comes directly from ours fans.

Question : Do you know that since your success in France, many young want to learn german ?
Bill - In fact we're very happy and a litlle bit surprised because we never wouldn't have thought that one day we would do something for the school. Because we can easily understand that somebody isn't in the mood of learning in school !
Tom - It's certainly the first time our german teacher is proud of us.
[I can understand some german and the translation in french doesn't seem very good...]

TH - Thanks a lot !

26.01.08 Hotel Cannes #

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NRJ Award Performance 1000 Meere #

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26.01.08 NRJ Award Interview (with Translation) #

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Q: Your reaction to your nomination?
Bill: We're super happy, super content, already very excited! For us it's something enormous! The others have seen what it was like for us last year. Unfortunately I wasn't there. They told me a lot of things about it, they said it was genius. We're really happy to have been nominated & to play in France... It's amazing.
Q: The French fans?
Bill: Really it's thanks to them that we're here, nominated. I never imagined something like this! It's because of these fans that we'll be with all of these famous artists tomorrow. We already lived through some great moments last year on the tour. We had some great concerts & we're going to tour in Europe again this year. We're really happy to see them again & we're going to live in this great moment. We're very happy to be at the NRJ Music Awards!
Q: How do you explain such success?
Tom: There's a very specific reason that Bill gave me the microphone. It's because of me, frankly, that we're good. Though I can't say it's really only because of me, but honestly I say, with the 3 others, "ooh la la impossible!" When I look in the ice (?) I say "Why not, it has to be me!" No seriously, we've been looking for a reason ourselves for a long time, why 3 guys, a little bizarre, and one a little less bizarre (me), who come from Magdeburg & make music together... Really we can't explain why we're so successful. We don't have a recipe or explanation.
Q: What performace for the NRJ Music Awards?
Tom: We're reflecting on something that we can't talk about because we don't want to give anything away. We can say that we rehearsed only one time & it didn't work out perfectly, so for us it will be a bit of a surprise as well. We hope it will work out & tomorrow we'll see!
Q: Le Parc des Princes in Paris on June 20...
Tom: A surprise that we can reveal is that Georg will be naked throught the whole concert, but he'll be wearing his socks!
Bill: It's evident that we're planning a lot of things, as we plan out the design for the stage. It's true that the Parce des Princes is giant, it's a big deal for us. It will be without a doubt something unforgetable, & we're impatient to be there. We're going to definately do a lot of things really really well & take a rest after 6 months (?)

NRJ Music Awards 2008 # (with Translation)

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NRJ Music Awards 2008 : Behind the scenes 1/2


You'll know all about the repetitions, the backstage. We'll show you how is organized a such event. Our cameras are everywhere, even in the Celine Dion's room... Which dress will Lorie choose ? How does Benji [Benjamin Castaldi, the anchor] deal with his stress ? What are the Rihanna's favourite candies ? But especially you'll know what is hidding under the Tokio Hotel's hair. The NRJ Music Awards 2008 in backstages, it's now.

J -2

We are at 48 hours from the event. In a few hours, the greatest stars will be there... seventy artists among the most prestigious are waited. And the whole city is shuddering at it. As for the organizers, the tension build up too. Cannes' police, Renseignements Généraux [roughly, it's a combination of the FBI and the US Secret Service], security, everybody's on the watch. The reason of this stress ? A band whose fans are well-know for being hysterical and unmanageable.

Fans - Tokio Hotel ! Tokio Hotel ! [...]

- Tonight it's the Tokio Hotel's rehearsals...
- Yes.
- Does anybody know ?
- No...
- Are you sure ?
- No ! (laughs)
- Cause those are wild 10-14 years old fans.

- I experienced this live in the radio and we've had to block the Boileau's street [NRJ - 09.15.2007]. There was the police, we never have done this before... They're very hard to manage anyway...

- They were here the last year but it was just at the beginning. There was no real problem but this year, it's actually very complicated. We received many artists at the NRJ Music Awards but they surpass all what we saw. So this is more complicated.

And the one who deals with everything, it's this man. One of the greatest french directors : Gérard Pulliccino. For years, he produces the NRJ Music Awards. On the stage or in stage managing, he has to keep tabs on everything and must cope with the demands of the artists too.

Gérard - This is for Tokio Hotel. They vitally wanted a small wall and not to use the screen. It's a small wall with little holes inside where we'll put lights. They've seen it in a video clip and wanted to do just the same. They sent us the video clip. So we'll try to do the same thing but it's not easy because a video clip isn't like a TV-show.

A few hours before the first rehearsals, a phone call. Obviously it isn't a good news even if Gerard Pulliccino is still smiling.

Gérard - Where is Fred ? [...] Oh no, you won't know. It's a very big problem. And the bigger the problem, the more I laugh.

The big Gerard's problem : the cancellations of last minute. This time this is the Tokio Hotel. They ask to postpone their practices.

Q - Do you know who you're wainting for in the Carlton ?
Narjiss Falcoz - Yeah, I know. Today we're waiting for Tokio Hotel...


Earphones, walkie-talkies, the tension builds up. For a few minutes, the noise runs that they are arriving. Gustav the drummer, Bill the singer, his twin-brother Georg the guitarist [Yeah, she says Georg --'], and of course Tom the bassist, touch down. The german demigods Tokio Hotel really are there, in flesh and blood, but still unapproachable.

We decide to try our luck and follow the four young artists all the same. An information in mind : their rehearsals is at 9 PM so we go to the Palais des Festivals. Three black vans, the sign that the stars actually are here, but their security team too and we won't get something.

J -1

In the meantime, in front of the Carlton...

Fan - We are there since about 8 AM today.
Q - Have you seen them or not ?
Fan - No, they didn't go out.

Fan - Yersterday evening, we went to the second entrance of the hotel and they've gone back of the club at 3 AM. There were just Tom, Georg and Gustav. Bill wasn't there.

Fan - We just saw Saki, the Tokio Hotel's bodyguard.
Q - So it means that they may arrive ?
Fan - We hope they'll arrive. We hope.
Fan - Yesterday we saw David, their producer, and he even has said hello to us. He's do sweet. Hi David ! And they didn't come finally.

Fan - But now, if they [the fans] don't shut up, they won't never come !

Carlton hotel. While the fans watch the Tokio Hotel's hair, we receive the authorization to enter, privilege conferred to a handful of reporters.

Bill, then the others - Good morning !

But the ITV's conditions are very strict : 5 minutes for the ones, 10 minutes for the others. We're allowed to ask three questions but we can record the wholeness. First the 6/9 staff of NRJ.

Q - Can they remove their hair to be incognito ?
Bill - I can tell you that we aren't wearing wigs... this is our own hair.
[Bill speaks german quite quickly...]
Q - He'd said that it was great. (laughs)
Q - What can we wish them now cause we have the belief that they have all we would dream at 18. What would they dream to have more ?
Bill - A NRJ Award !

The youngs artists play the game under the vigilant eye of their staff.

We ask them what they like in this event.

Bill - Everything ! A mix of everything because of course at least it's a great honor to be here, to play on stage, to be nominated beside great artists which are very famous. But that's good to see our fans too. Thanks of them if we're here finally ! We enjoy being there and seeing them again.

The band is accustomed to cause scenes of collective hysteria. Is it their music or their look that cause this mania ?

Bill - We have no explanations. We still are very suprised to see it by ourselves, mostly in the other countries. But of course, we're very glad althought we can't explain this... It's oftent like this with the music : it makes us feel something or not, but everybody has this sens. We ourselves when we listen to music, we feel it or not. So, for us, the best is not to too think about why we have the success. We enjoy it and we're very happy.


Since the morning, the biggest stars are arrived. From Johnny Céline Dion, to Kylie Minigue, many haven't rehearsed yet so they have to do it quickly. The rehearsals carry on into the evening.


Mika mingles with the crowd. About Matt Pokora, he makes the public's happiness. The Guetta's are overjoyed and here again the Cinema Bizarre. But of course, the fans are wainting for another stars, the Tokio Hotel, who even sign autographs to cause some blackouts...


5... 4... 3... 2... 1... top !

Benjamin Castaldi - Good evening Cannes ! Welcome to the NRJ Music Awards.


Here we go for 2h30. Our cameras are in the sound-control and in the backstages. We'll show you behin the scenes and the artists as you have never seen them during the show.

Hair relooking for the 6/9.

David Guetta - They are the real stars here.

And withtout doubt, there is the funniest part of the show, when mikL from Sens-interdit and Christelle Bazooka present the best international band's award.

Christelle - Ahhhh !
MikL - Cool it, cool it ! [...] TOKIO HOTEL !

Bill - This award is very important for us. We'll be very happy to see you this summer at the Parc des Princes. Thanks a lot !

Still a victory for the rockers. Even Christelle Bazooka has diffculty getting over it.

Christelle - I saw Bill... I saw Bill from Tokio Hotel.

Bill - We're very happy tonight, we can't believe it. We are together since seven years... We're very proud, we can't believe it.
Tom - Of coure we'll party. Orange juice and apple juice will flow. We have to toast, we have to celebrate it.

NRJ Clip #

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26.01.08 NRJ Awards - Best international Band #

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Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008

Tokio Hotel TV Folge 9 #

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10.01.08 Méthode Cauet (with Translation) #

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Cauet: Good evening, Welcome...Magic
Bill: Good evening!

Cecile: How do we say good evening in German?

Bill: Gut'nacht... n'aben'

Tom: N'aben'

Cauet: These are our guests tonight to start off the year on a good foot. The Tokio Hotels (it's so annoying when they call them that >.< can they just call them "Tokio Hotel" God.) My, I'm super happy. There's tons of stuff. If you are fans, if you haven't already received it for Christmas, but maybe tons of people received it for CHristmas, it's a DVD, that is the DVD of Tokio Hotel that's called, attention, Zimmer 483 Live in Europe.

Cecile - How do you say 483 in German?

Tom and Bill: Vier Acht Drei!

Cauet - Vier Acht Drei !! My German is very bad. March 2008, there is a tour. Bercy the 9th and 10th, it's complete, you forget. The new unedited single, we'll talk about later. It came out Monday, the 7th of January, we'll talk about it again in a few minutes. So it's time to introduce Tokio Hotel, but who is who?

Cauet - Bill, hello

Bill - Hallo

Cauet - Very happy.(wtf?) In French, we say "Bonjour".

Bill - Bonsoir! (good evening)

Cauet - Beside you we have Tom, Hello Tom!

Tom - Salut! (Hi!)

Cauet - Are you all doing well? Beside Tom we have Gustav, not Goostav, goostaf. (she got it wrong it was Georg : x)

Cécile - Gustav !

Gustav - No that's me.

Cécile - No it's him Gustav!

Cauet - And there's George (she says it the English and French way)

Georg - George!

Cauet - Hello George. And Gustav! Hello Gustav. So Tokio Hotel have been together for 6 years.

Cécile - 6 years!

Cauet - Already 6 years?
Bill - We've been together for 7 years but it's only been 2 and a half years that we're known.

Cauet - So it's the phenomenon of 2007. 2 millon and a half albums sold in the world, 650 thousand in France mille, over 3 thousand and a half internet pages. Do you realise it? Do you get still realize it or is it all getting old to you?
Bill - No it can't get boring, it's impossible. It's been 2 and a half years, so uhhh... We love each day, it's like a giant dream we are living. And we try to take advantage of it to the maximum. We never get bored because everyday is new. Every day brings something nee. And new countries to.

Cauet - And do you realise that there are hundreds of thousands of girls that would pay millions to be in this chair right here?

Bill - Yeah, definetly, we know.

Tom - In fact it's super, we know, we know, but well, we still have to say... Sitting beside Georg smells sometimes, but you get used to it. With time you finish by getting use to it (omg )

Cauet - Well I still have to tell you I rented these couches. There's are dozens of people coming over to my house later to use it. (wtf?)

Cécile - To embarasse you guys (wow.)

Bill - Ok, no problem

Tom - Sehr gut (very good)

Cauet- Very good, that I remember.

Cécile - I little word in French?

Tom - Y'a pas de probléme (no problem, but he sways it in french)

Cécile - There's no problem!, ja ja, there's no problem! Sorry.

Cauet - Bill, are you starting to learn French?

Bill - Nein. I learned French for 3 years in school and all I learned was how to say my name and where I came from, in fact I slept during classes. Languages aren't really my thing.

Cauet - Ich bin Sébastien Cauet. (I am Sebastien Cauet)

Cécile- Ich bin Cécile.

Bill - Je m'appélle Bill... (My name is Bill!)

Cauet - Ja. Wunderbar !

Bill - J'habite à Magdebourg...(I live in Magdebourg)

Cauet- Very good! und diese dvd (Tom et Bill - Ja !) ist wunderbar ! (all four : Jaaa !!). Here is a clip from the DVD.

Cécile : Is it true that a fan sent you a washcloth, and asked you to wash yourself with it and then send it back to her?
Tom : Yes except it was more a hint for Georg.
Bill : No I had never heard that story before. Sometimes we throw towels in the crowd at gigs, and girls love it, but that one, no.
Georg : But Tom got a wash brush lately.
Bill : Right, that's true / it was nice.
Tom : And I had to brush Georg's ass hair with it.

Cauet and girl host (Cécile) : Poor Georg...
Cauet : Quick questions : Who has his driving license?
Tom : Moi! (me, in French)
Georg : Moi!

Cauet : who gets the more fan mail?
Bill : Ich! Quite clearly.
Tom : Moi! (at the same time as Bill, and they both insist and won't drop it)
Cauet : Ah, they don't agree. Okay, in one minute they're going to beat each other... Who earns the more money?

Collective diplomatic answer : We all get little money.

Cauet : Who wants the most to go solo?
Bill : Gustav!
Tom : Yeah, as a porn actor sure...

Cauet : Right, and so who has the more porn books under his bed?
Tom : Gustav. But videos, not books.

Cauet : Surely. Who parties the most?
Bill : Georg! He's the best dancer too.
Tom and Gustav confirm.
Georg : Yes, I'm the band's party-lover (?... I think?)

Cauet : Which of you has a pretty, 20-yrs old sister that they could introduce to me?...
Bill : Gustav has a sister.
Tom (? I think) : But she looks like him.
Cécile : Gustav has a sister but she looks like him so [implied : she's not pretty]
Cauet : It's always the same story, sadly.

Cauet : For the fans, the album has been re-released last week, Zimmer (tries to pronounce "Vier acht drei" and can't).
Girl goes : Ein zwei drei vier! (1 2 3 4 in German) Zimmer 4...
Tom interrupts : Chambre 4 8 3 (Bedroom 4 8 3, in French - in French the term for hotel room is specific to sleeping room / bedroom)
Cécile : He said bedroom!
Cauet : No, it's not bedroom.
Cécile : No really, he said bedroom.
Cauet : Of course, he only goes in bedrooms 483. So, for the fans, the album is out again, and a short clip of the music video.

Excerpt from 1000 Meere video.

Cauet : Guys, some more questions, and you answer "yes", "no" or "I don't know". Did you ever find a fan in your hotel room?
Bill : Yes, no, I don't know.
Cauet : Only "yes" OR "no" OR "I don't know"!
Tom : (points at himself) Yes. (Points at Gus, Georg and Bill) No.
Cécile : Gustav?
Tom : No! (repeats)

Cauet : Did you ever read something totally crazy about yourselves?
all together : YES! (loud and clear...)
Cauet : What kind of things?
they speak together then Bill : Each year people say that we're going to split and that we argued, each time we're not releasing a new song or a new album for some time.
Cécile : To start a new rumor, can you argue right now?
Bill : No, but you can see it in the DVD (darn, Bill. You're such a perfect marketing boy, always advirtising your product... You scare me sometimes). We've been followed by a crew during our tour, and in the DVD you can see a small argument between Tom and me.
Tom : A very small argument.

Cauet : Don't you think I have the looks that would allow me to be in your band, the 5th member?
Georg, Tom and Bill : No.
Cauet : ... Okay, at least that's clear...

Cauet : Is your family happy of what you're doing?
Bill/Tom/Georg : Yes.

Cécile : Are you all single?
Bill : Yes.

Cauet : The question you must have been asked a thousand times, but I don't care, I ask it again : why Tokio Hotel?
Tom : Yes.
Bill : I don't know. (then same old story about them loving big towns blah blah).

Cauet : Last, Bill, I have a question, between ourselves... When I was in junior high school, I had German lessons, and so I was taught : (he says the following in German) : "Rolf and Gisela. Where are Rolf and Gisela? Rolf and Gisela are in the kitchen. Where is the cat? The cat is in the tree. Brring brring. The phone rings." (etc - obviously the first lesson of German 101...) Bill, tell me : who are Rolf and Gisela?
Bill : I don't know?!
Tom : But obviously it's sexual. Rolf must be (... is there a nickname in English that would be used to name a penis?), and Gisela must be a pussy.

Cauet : Okay, Tokio Hotel were the first guests of 2008 on our show, thank you guys, can you wish our audience a happy new year?

TH : Hello, we are TH, we wish you a [the rest in French :] Happy New Year!