Montag, 31. Oktober 2005

31.10.05 Rent a Pocher Halloween (with Translation)


Pocher: … and whenever i get that feeling, i try to fight it, but it’s stronger than me.

girl: listen, i’ll find my way back to the car, it’s no big deal.

Pocher: and when i get that feeling, i just wanna... dance!

(Tokio Hotel - Schrei, Pocher dances to the music, the girl starts screaming)

Pocher: so you do get scared a little bit after all, huh?

girl: bullshit, that’s Tokio Hotel, all women react like that when they see them. (continues screaming)

Pocher: ok, that makes sense.

Bill: stop it, wait... boy, you’re making an ass of yourself. don’t you wanna dance somewhere else?

Tom: listen, we respect what you do. but you can’t sing, you can’t dance – not to mention your look. listen, there’s an abandoned parking area over there that no one knows. i recommend you go there and practice. it’s better for you and better for us too...

Pocher: wait, you gotta be kidding me.

Tom: no, not at all. be gone.

Pocher: are you for real?

Tom: yeah, definitely. the parking area is over there.

girl: Oli, you heard the boys, now get the hell outta here... oh no, here we go again. hey guys, i know this from tv, he’s turning into Kevin.

Pocher: i wanna dance! i wanna dance!

(Gustav knocks him out)

Gustav: that guy’s a pain in the ass!

girl (kicks Oli): jerk! ... oh guys, please, play again for me!

Tom: on condition that we get to play ON YOU afterwards. *lol*

girl: just play!

(she wakes up from her dream, screaming)

Pocher: you alright? honey, it was just a dream.

girl: Oli...

Pocher: come on, let’s go.

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2005

22.10.05 Making of Schrei (with Translation) (s) X

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Bill: Hello, good afternoon! I’m Bill and we’re here at the place we’re recording our new single Schrei.
Producer: At Tokio Hotel’s website we’ve made an appeal that we needed people to play in the music video of Schrei. And we’ve received tons of mail, they’ve written to us from all places, they’re more than happy to travel here at own costs just to be here. Some of them sent extremely sweet letters, but you just can’t answer all of them. I stopped looking at them after I’ve read about 1500 of them.

Director: Hi I’m Zoran Bihao and I’m the director of Tokio Hotel’s new video.
Guy: We have to do one more light-check inside and then we’ll get you in and start.
Director: It’s some sort of bungalow, it’s about to be pulled down I’m afraid. An old bungalow from the sixties. We’re just going to have a light party here, with the wild youngsters over there… Those are the instruments that can be demolished. Hopefully Bill will croudsurf over here, get op there, sing a bit and get back again. I guess it’ll look more convincing when it’s filled with 75 teenagers.
Producer: It’s like… the parents are gone and the band just invites their friends for a party at with of course the house will get seriously damaged.
Director: It’ll be like some people from here (the party) made a short movie about it.
Director: We’ll do it three times.
Tom: It’s about freeing yourself from a certain situation, so we thought it fitted very well to just start recording without a planning.
Bill: People where standing on these stairs and performed, they did very well.
Director: I didn’t want to tell Tokio Hotel, nor their friends, what they had to do. I didn’t want it to be artificial. Some things were planned, but I’ve always kept enough room for the people to make it their own.
Georg: The people did very well. We were afraid that in the beginning it’d be a bit fake, but they played along perfectly from the beginning.
Tom: It was a good selection, they really created an atmosphere.
Tom: Well, I think live concerts are much better; you immediately see the crowd’s reaction; it’s an entirely different feeling.
Bill: Well, in our practice-room we also have parties from time to time, so this isn’t that different…

Girl: I think the music is cool, and especially their career; they just believed in it and really did it; they’re living their dream. I think that’s great.

Tom: Well, we always wanted to be recognised in the street, so now it’s really great feeling.

Guy: Yes, well, I’ve known them from… yeah, very small; devilish.
Girl: Tom is cool
Girl: Bill is cool

Georg: We weren’t expecting this immediate success. I mean, we’re newcomers and… I don’t know… It’s just a rocket that went up by itself (?)

Bill: I’m very, very glad I don’t have to clean this up…
Gustav: I was like; What was that? It was a little surprise. No, it wasn’t planned.
Voice: Now go crazy!

Montag, 17. Oktober 2005

17.10.05 Taff Bericht (with Translation)


presenter: in Berlin, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav performed in front of a 100 invited girls and the girls were thrilled.

girl 1: oh my god… i don’t know what to say, i’m sorry…

girl 2: he’s so nice, he’s such a good person, i’d just love to have him. he’s so nice.

girl 3: how was it?!

girl 4: awesome!

presenter: a short while ago, the band started a call-up with BRAVO: “We’re looking for a girlfriend for Tokio Hotel”. they got 56’000 love letters in return. the four boys had free choice.

Georg: yeah.

Bill laughs.

Gustav: show me.

Tom: what?

Georg: she’s naked.

Tom: yeah, cool.

Bill (looks at a picture): she’s ok. look. she’s quite pretty.

Georg: invite her.

Bill: yeah, i’ll invite her.

presenter: the boys finally invited a 100 girls to an intimate private concert, for a “detailed consideration”. but the real highlight was after the concert, when the girls one by one got to meet their idols.

girl 2: i’m so excited. i’ve already started crying, cause the pressure’s really on.

interviewer: what pressure?

girl 2: well, not to make a mistake (speaking error) or not to embarrass oneself… i don’t know.

presenter: face to face with Tokio Hotel, at first the girls were shy, but they became more and more curious. that way, Bill got to chat away.

Bill (shows the B-jewelry): thanks. look at it.

girl 2: i like going to parties, i also like throwing parties…

Bill: i hardly ever throw a party, cause you always have to clean everything up…

girl 2: tell me about it! i know what you mean.

Bill: yeah, that’s why i prefer going to other parties. you don’t have to worry about a thing, you can make a mess. but when you throw a party you just have to watch things all the time. i’d probably follow everyone all the time to make sure no one’s doing anything stupid or throwing up somewhere in a corner.

girl 2: ok, but when there are a lot of people, you can’t control it.

Bill: yeah, of course.

presenter: in the end, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav got to pick their personal favorites. for the following date, the four Tokio boys wanted to be left alone though.

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2005

16.10.05 Backstage beim Cometen (with Translation)


Presenter: Now it’s getting loud; the Comet for Best Newcomer 2006 goes to… Tokio Hotel!

B: Wow, I’m so overwhelmed. I don’t think anyone was expecting this. Our life has changed so quickly, everything went so fast and just because this one song, everything because of “Durch den Monsun”. We’re so grateful for this… Oh god, I don’t know what to say… erm, thanks to all our family and friends, and of course a big thank you to you! Thank you so much!

T: Thank you!

B: Thank you for letting us experience this!

17.00h: Arrival at Arena Oberhausen,

27 hours till the comet-awards.

B: Over there?

Guy: Yes

B: I was really stunned, because – it’s really beautiful, that it goes all the way up there and so on. When it’s filled with audience and the lights are on I think it will be quite impressive. I think it’s really done well.

18.00h: Sound check

26 hours till the comet-awards

B: The situation in which the singer is, like, more important and the others are jealous because of it has never occurred to us I got to say.

Gustav is the one who’s calm. He often withdraws himself and is very happy he can sit behind the drums and doesn’t have to go to the front of the stage.

Tom is a real poser with his guitar so he backs me up on stage and Georg is really the typical bassist; a bit reserved and quiet. This is who we are and I think everyone is quite happy the way it is.

T: Bill is like, the “mysterious” one of us. He often withdraws himself so he sometimes misses things and when he doesn’t feel like taking part in what we do, he just walks off.

T: Try-outs are so boring, it’s really nothing special.

B: You have to wait all the time…

T: Try-outs suck.

11.00h: Hotel room

9 hours till the comet-awards

T: I’m really looking forward to it. I want to go back there again, and after that the nervousness comes. I think that’s just part of it, I mean; when we wouldn’t be exited it would be pretty pathetic. We’re exited before every show.

[Standing in front of Gustavs and Georgs room]

T/B: Open the door!

Ge: I think this is going to be a very cool show. An hour before the show it kind of starts, then you get all jittery…

Gu: Then you’re exited, an hour before the show. And then you’re on the stage; the shortest minutes of your life. Then the applause comes and you get off stage; that’s always a nice feeling.

12.00h: Hotel Lobby

8 hours till the comet-awards

T: I think it’s great we have so many female fans, but of course I’m also very glad when we have male audience, which we get surprisingly much. We start getting more and more fan mail from male fans. Maybe no love letters, but they like our music and that makes me happy. And what also really makes me happy is when we get fan mail, which says “We’ve started a band and want to do it just like you do”. I find that extremely cool, when we show other people that it’s very well possible at our age.

Gu: Luckily I don’t stand out very much now, I’m glad actually. I still can walk on the street normally for 20 meters; Bill would have had to write at least five autographs in those 20 meters.

B: I got to say that it’s harder to find a permanent girlfriend, personally. Because you can never know if the girl would have been interested in you in normal life. For that reason it’s a bit harder, but of course I get to know people more easily now and get to talk to them. So there are two sides of this, you can never be really sure.

T: It would be really hard to create a proper relationship now, because you don’t know if it are true feelings or if the girl wants you just because you’re famous.

Ge: I mean, for a relationship there is simply not enough time right now. A good relationship asks much time to really get to know each other and I simply don’t have that time.

T: Well, when someone of the band would change we would all tell him (Not sure). I mean, we know each other for a very long time. And family and friends would also say something.

Gu: We’re just friends; we know when someone is going through a bad time and when to let someone alone, how to create a good atmosphere and what to expect from each other. we understand each other perfectly, but of course everybody also has his own friends.

(In the van:

T: Great!

B: Oh, no!

Ge: …and didn’t your ex-girlfriend Scarlet have …Tom?)

Ge: It’s always extremely funny, and I’m always happy when I see the bus with everybody in it and I know that my stomach will hurt in the evening because we’ve been laughing all day.

13.00h: Arene Oberhausen

7 hours till the comet-awards

Guy: Hey! Stay back!

B: I’m really hungry.

13.15h: Catering

T: A quarter to 2 and there is no breakfast anymore, ridiculous!

B: I got to say; in contrast to other things they really have a good catering. A good atmosphere here too, so… Yes.

T: The best catering we’ve had in a long time.

15.00h: backstage

5 hours till the comet-awards

B: [Points at the poster] Look, we’re not on it, because we’re going to be nominated afterwards (?)

T: Look, Die Toten Hosen! They have the coolest –

B: This is the love nest of Sarah and Marc, their cosy corner… I think Tom wanted to help Marc out a little…

T: I’ve heard help is needed…

B: Yes, it’s needed

[All laugh]

B: Everyone gets dancing girls, even Stefan Raab has dancing girls and we don’t. I think we also should have dancing girls!

All the way I’ve been waiting for only one person; Nena! But we haven’t passed her room yet, we’ll have to see…

[Bill meets Nena]
N: Finally we meet!
B: Hello
N: Hi!
[Bill and Nena hug each other]
N: When you’ve got some time left afterwards just pass by and I’ll introduce you to my band!
B: Yes, cool.
T: Right
N: My room is there around the corner.
T: yes, we’ve already passed it once…
N: [Laughs] Okay. Bye!
B/T/Gu/Ge: Bye!

B: Yes, that was cool! I’ve waited very long for that, it’s really nice. Now you notice – That’s the cool thing; you get to know so many people on events like this. And we’re just the same as before, but we’re allowed to go to this sort of events, that’s incredible.

16.00h: Interview “Sugar”
4 hours till the comet-awards

16.30h: Interview MTV
Ge: We absolutely love to play live, and that stimulates us, sometimes we’re like: “We’ve got a performance tomorrow and we’re still giving interviews now”. But I don’t mean that we’ve had enough of the interviews; it has always been clear that we would do that kind of things and we’re enjoying it actually.

17.00h: Fotoshooting “Bravo”

Gu: I think it’s exiting. When there always people there who scream for you… that’s cool.
T: Of course things have changed for us; we can’t just walk on the street without being recognised. We’re travelling a lot with the band, we also have a break of a year with school. So we can organise everything a bit better.
B: We’re doing now what we’ve done after school all the time. After school we always went straight to the rehears-room, we’ve only been making music. Now we can do that all day long so it all just turned around; when we have time left after making music, we do schoolwork. It’s going well.
Ge: There was always press waiting in front of the school and they also went inside the building. Sometimes I got called to the teacher’s room in the middle of a class because some guy from one or another magazine was waiting there who wanted me to give him an interview. That just doesn’t work.

18.00h: General try-outs
2 hours till the comet-awards

T: Well, maybe Gustav plays for his love. But I can imagine when I would be in love right now I would want her to watch. But further you’re totally free up that stage; it’s a rock show; we play for our fans.

3 minutes till the autograph session at the red carpet

B: Hey, has anyone got a black pen? No? Anyone? (Great timing ;-)
Guy: No chewing gum, Georg!

Ge: We always walk around like this, we don’t specially change before a show.
B: No… We come like this in the morning and stay like this all day.
T: I would go to school the way we look now; I always walk around like this.

18.30h: The red carpet

B: Impressive.
T: Indeed.
B: I don’t think there were even so many people at the red carpet, I was really surprised so many were standing there.
T: Now we’re getting a little bit exited.
B: Yes, the nervousness is coming.

B: I certainly thing that the after show-party is going to be really nice, we’re really looking forward to it. And of course extremely to the performance. And I got to say I’m really curious who is going to win the national best Newcomer comet. I think it’s going to a tight race, because there are very much great artist nominated, with some very successful songs. we’ll see, I’m curious.

Ge: We have very different characters, we’ve known each other for five years now, and we know each other’s kinks and quirks. We know exactly how to tease one another, but also when to leave one another alone. And that’s an advantage of us.

B: Shouldn’t we get going?
T: Man, we have to be there at about a quarter to ten, and now it’s only a quarter to nine!

1 hour till the comet-awards

T: hey, are you crazy? [Laughs]
B: What? Oh, I’m sorry… I’m very nervous; I think I haven’t been this nervous in a long time.
T: To be honest I’m not really nervous yet.
B: I’m really a nervous wreck right now.
Ge: I’m all jittery [tickles Tom]
T: No more teasing!

Gu: Tom does that differently... (Plays air guitar)
Gu: The way we act here is the way we act everywhere; we talk big, we joke around, it doesn’t matter if we’re backstage at the Comet, in a cafe somewhere or rehearsing.

[Bill yawns]
B: They all bore me so much…
[Gustav massages Bill]
B: Now this is relaxing
T: Just to get this straight; Bill and Gustav are NOT gay.

2 minutes till the nomination

Guy: Tokio Hotel on their way to the nomination….
Tokio Hotel entering nomination-launch

21.45h: Nomination “Best Newcomer”

Presenter: Now it’s getting loud; the Comet for Best Newcomer 2006 goes to… Tokio Hotel!
B: Wow, I’m so overwhelmed. I don’t think anyone was expecting this. Our life has changed so quickly, everything went so fast and just because this one song, everything because of “Durch den Monsun”. We’re so grateful for this… Oh god, I don’t know what to say… erm, thanks to all our family and friends, and of course a big thank you to you! Thank you so much!
T: Thank you!
B: Thank you for letting us experience this!

T: A great feeling! I can’t really believe it just yet…
Ge: I’m shaking all over
B: Yes, it’s even worse then before a show; then we’re also nervous but… Our first prise, we’re incredible proud!
T: I can’t get the grin off my face.

30 seconds till the live-performance

B: I’m standing there, backstage and I’m so happy because there are a lot of people who want to hear us. And then you walk out there and you know that you’ve given those people something, they’re happy. And I think that’s the best, to be able to make people happy with your work.
T: When you’re on the stage you’ve got so much adrenalin in your blood that you don’t really get it. When you go off stage, all you remember is that it was awesome. And the screaming and all, that’s so incredible, especially because they’re with so many.


B: It’s a totally different feeling when you stand there and the hall is full of people...
Ge: The hall already looked big when there weren’t any people in it, bit it even looked bigger when it was full.
Gu: It also seemed much higher up, when you see the top rows.
T: Yes, our hearts where certainly throbbing [Laughs]

23.00h: Nomination “Supercomet”

Stefan Raab: The Supercomet 2005, ladies and Gentlemen –
Gülcan: Oh, I knew it!
Stefan Raab: …Tokio Hotel!
Gülcan: Come up here!

B: I got to say; this is getting scary! It’s incredible! There are so many great artists here and now we’re getting another Comet. We were already glad to even be nominated for the other one, this is so unbelievable. We owe this to YOU! Thank you!

B: For all of us it’s clear that we’ll always keep making music. I think we will always be making music. That is just what we want. It doesn’t matter if we’re performing in sold out halls or getting gold somewhere again, or if there are only ten people listening or if we’re just rehearsing; we will always be making music.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2005

11.10.05 Viva live X

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2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-TH presentation

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-making of Schrei

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-intew.with TH fans-featured in Schrei video

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-Fan's artwork

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-TH presentation part 2

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-TH presentation part 2

2005.10.11-viva live-Gulcan show with TH fans-fan's artwork part 2

2005.10.11-viva live(Gulcan show)-Bill on the phone

Montag, 10. Oktober 2005

10.10.05 TV Total (with Translation)

TV Total Stefan Raab Oktober 2005 - MyVideo


Stefan Raab: They are sixteen, seventeen and eighteen years old and I’m happy they’re here. They’ve won two Comets last week, ladies and gentlemen, give them a warm welcome; Tokio Hotel!

Tokio Hotel, ladies and gentlemen! Yes, firstly; welcome and again congratulations to the two Comets you’ve won last week. Yes, it’s all going very well for you, isn’t it? When have you brought out your single, your first single?

Bill: Erm, about eight weeks ago

Tom: Indeed.

Stefan Raab: Eight weeks? And in this time it has burst out, incredibly…

Bill: Yes

Stefan Raab: From zero to one hundred, girls go crazy everywhere you come…

Georg: A bit.

Stefan Raab: A bit! [Laughs] And yes, your lives have certainly changed a lot, haven’t they?

Tom: Yes, they have. Also with school now. That would have been very hard now of course., so… yes, it’s complicated to get it all over you at the same time, but –

Stefan Raab: You mean you don’t go to school anymore now?

Bill: We do, but we’ve got a year off now. But Georg has to make sure that he graduates.

Stefan Raab: That means working!

[Screaming/laughing from audience]

Tom: I’ve already told him; this is important, i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t!

Stefan Raab: Yes, but excuse me; for rock ‘n roll you don’t need to graduate.

Bill: Yes, Georg always says that too…

Georg: Yes

Stefan Raab: Yes, but you don’t know how long it’ll be possible to do rock’ n roll

Bill: That’s what Geog always tells himself too…

Stefan Raab: Yes, but you don’t know how long you can do rock ‘n roll, can you? I mean, you know the fate of many teenage bands yourself; you don’t have illusions about that, have you?

Bill: No!

Stefan Raab: You have to mind; you can never be sure that it’ll always be like this.

Bill: No, that’s right. Now, in the year we don’t have to go to school, we’re still voluntary studying because we don’t want to let it go totally, we all definitely want to do our finals. And, yes, we’re all aware of the fact that it could all suddenly be over.

Stefan Raab: Yes, well … (Says a German name, don’t know it) You don’t want to end up like that, do you? [Laughing] Your brothers, aren’t you? More than that, you’re twins!

Tom/Bill: Yes, identical twins.

Stefan Raab: Identical twins? You don’t see that at all!

Tom: Yes, a good thing.


Stefan Raab: Who has don something artificial to his hair?

Bill: Both!

Tom: He did. He dyed his hair and I , well, it’s not artificial.

Bill: No, that’s right.

Tom: Yes, I’ve got my hair like this for four years now, and Bill always dyes his hair. Normally we both have blond hair, a bit darker than you.

Stefan Raab: [Laughs, pretends to do karate (?)] Okay. You’re a grown band, aren’t you? Or have you been casted?

Tom: We exist for five years now. Bill and me started performing with the two of us, then we met those two, and we didn’t want to just pick them up at first but then we thought “okay, it fits perfectly actually” and it worked out. We’re together for five years already now, as I said.

Stefan Raab: Okay, and all the girls have an incredible crush on you, we’ve hade some standing in front of the studio this morning and one of them really wanted to give you a fan letter. I don’t even know for who it was, for who was the letter? For Bill?

Tom: Yes, we’ve already invited her in the car…

Stefan Raab: Really? Well, she has asked us if shy could read it for you, and she has done it.

Bill: Oh, that’s so nice.

Stefan Raab: Just listen it’s totally cute.

TV-voice: The TV-Total watcher service; Tokio Hotel fans read Tokio Hotel fan mail!

Girl: Hey Tom, I’m really happy for you that you’ve won the Comet for Best Newcomer (…) Till the next time, I hope there will be a next time.

TV-voice: That was totally sweet!


Stefan Raab: Yes, cool, isn’t it?

Tom: Yes, it was for me after all.

Stefan Raab: Only for you

Tom: I thought it was for Bill but it was for me after all.

Stefan Raab: It was only for you and you’ll get the chance to answer it now!

Tom: [Laughs] I can only say, well. I thought it were 50000 letters – Because she asked if I found a letter – and we tried to open as much as possible but we haven’t totally succeeded, and I think I would have remembered you, so you were probably in one we haven’t opened.

Stefan Raab: Okay, you don’t have a girlfriend at the moment?

Tom: No, I don’t have a girlfriend. The only one with a girlfriend is Gustav.

Stefan Raab: That’s a bit inconvenient now it all going so well isn’t it? [Laughs] Yes well, that’s how it is, that’s Rock ‘n Roll! And you don’t want to commit yourselves yet, do you? And of course you don’t even have time for girlfriends!

Tom: Well, no

Bill: In between…

Tom: We don’t commit ourselves every day [Laughs]

Stefan Raab: [Laughs] Yes, well, a rock star has got to be flexible.

Tom: We’re totally flexible and open to everything

Bill: Indeed

Stefan Raab: I’ve got here a very interesting scene from the Comet awards. I don’t know if you’ve seen that, but when you played one more time in the end, after the audience had given you the Supercomet someone thought “Let’s get up that stage and dance”. [Laughing] Wait a moment, because when this happened a security person of Tokio Hotel must have thought “Who is the fat one up there?” and he probably hadn’t recognised him and he got him off stage! Just watch this, Thursday evening live at Pro7.

[video, applause]

Bill: Yes, I already wanted to say that, he had annoyed us the entire day so much. He wanted to go to the toilet with Georg, really…

Tom: He was constantly in front of our hotel room, even very early in the morning and than he got up stage…

Stefan Raab: And he probably recorded a lot of fan material for us…

Bill: Yes, probably

Stefan Raab: That comes with the success of course, with the big success come

Tom: groupies

Stefan Raab: Yes [Laughs] and of course jealousy. You know that yourselves, you can’t simply go to school anymore.

Bill: Indeed.

Stefan Raab: Though probably, when you don’t style the way you did now people wouldn’t recognise you anymore, would they? Without the make-up, hair combed back…

Bill: Still they would recognise us, I thought they wouldn’t too, but it wasn’t really like that. But it also depends on the city we are in, in Magdeburg people recognise us much easier than in other cities. (Others agree)

Stefan Raab: Okay. You’ll play live for us later, won’t you?

TH: Yes, that’s right

Stefan Raab: Really live!

Tom: Really live

Stefan Raab: That’s for a band like Tokio Hotel – you’re all still very young, you can always learn some more about your instruments – though I think you’re all doing really well already

Tom: Thanks [laughs]

Stefan Raab: Well, stay watching, for Tokio Hotel will play live at TV Total!

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2005

Montag, 3. Oktober 2005