Dienstag, 28. März 2006
Sonntag, 26. März 2006
Samstag, 25. März 2006
Donnerstag, 23. März 2006
23.03.06 RTL Punkt 12 (with translation)
translation by Artax/tha
Every day countless mothers preach to their little ones that fresh air and healthy food are good for them. And now, TH come along and say: "Humbug. We only eat fast food" and, quote: "Untouched nature is totally disgusting." Natasha W. and Tanja J. met the boys yesterday at a concert in Vienna and asked them how we are to understand that.
No more hiding: Totally unabashed, Bill & Co treat themselves to a glass of champagne in public. Twice gold and twice platin for over a hundred thousand sold CDs in Austria - apparently, that had to be celebrated. After the huge run-in with the youth welfare office four months ago, the boys had been really cautious with drinking alcohol in public. No matter. Bill & Co had something to celebrate, and right away provided something new to talk about. Listen at this:
Bill: We're all "Drinnis" [drin = inside], i.e. we sit inside all day and eat only fast food and totally unhealthy and don't like this fresh "Draußi" [draußen = outside] stuff, all this salad and this arugula.
Just great, will all those mothers be thinking now, who just had worked hard to teach their teenies about healthy food and stuff - or for example, that a tree isn't standing in the woods merely for decoration. And then idol Bill comes along, and has more to say:
Bill: Untouched nature, for example. That is disgusting. Where it's all, like, overgrown... we hate that.
One has to, and can only, explain it with a late surge of puberty. At least, the boys celebrated the 19th birthday of bassist Georg totally low-key - because at some point, you're too old for certain things, right?
Bill: When we were still young, we... well, there we really went at it... But we're always totally disciplined when we're on tour. There's not much partying going on...
Tom: We're generally very disciplined!
Bill: ...because we always have to have a lot of power for the concerts.
Well, and that's probably why exercise aside of the stage is totally taboo.
Bill: We hate to go for a walk. We always drive from A to B by car, taxi or whatever, we walk almost never.
Oh, well, you mums and dads out there: Let's be optimistic. What Tokio Hotel are going through right now - it's probably just one of these phases - and surely, that'll pass quickly.
Montag, 20. März 2006
Samstag, 18. März 2006
18.03.06 SF Benissimo (with translation)
Translation by dypnf/tha:
Great…. Now we’re coming to the part of the show the younger ones of our audience are dying to see. And we older ones ask ourself: There are so many bands….Why do special they have such success? And many others not? And if you ask me I must say: I don’t know. It’s a mystery for me and unexplainable. And for the student band from Magdeburg, who has the success now who made it, it’s probably the same. And that’s why they ‘re our guests today. Apparently they strike a special tone, which the audience thrills – and these are not only empty words: We show you now how it was outside in front of our studio this afternoon. You see here the target audience, relative young, relative dynamic, relative female, relative loud………..and there their favorites are coming………..the four young teenagers: They’re driving in, in a car with dark windows and you don’t even see a thing. That sucks of course – but the band has a heart for their fans: After the rehearsal today, they didn’t drive pass their fans but even gave autographs.
That was when the screaming got even more worse. And now you probably ask yourself: Why are they staying outside in front of the studio and don’t come inside?
First because we only had 350 tickets and second you have to be at least 16 to be guest on Benissimo. And that’s a little mean, because the biggest fans can’t be here when TH is performing. And that’s why we said we’ll let in 50 of them and they can be close and watch. Come in!!
You see, the fans are between 6 and, I would say, 18 years old – right there are also some 18 years old between them. We thought we would let them in for the big performance of their band. An they all learned of who they are – the entire week they talked about it – Here are TH.
Rette mich
Tokio Hotel
H: Hello. I see you have pretty wild fans……is it always like that?
Bill: Actually it’s the same everywhere – I must say our fans are pretty intensive. They are always there….. and actually always the loudest before all the others.
H: You can hear it here…. We seldom had so loud fans. But maybe they also want to listen to you a bit….. And we also must bring you closer to the people who are not fans. For us older ones you are really a phenomenon and we are glad to get to know you now.
The first question that begs to be asked: Why do you call yourself Tokio Hotel? You are coming from Magdeburg……..
Tom: I think the name is so special because we are from Magdeburg. We didn’t want to have a typical name and we thought we need something that fits to us. We’re all big city people – so Tokio – and we are always in hotels, it’s practical our first home – therefore Hotel.
H: Great! And all of them are fans of all of you? Or if I interview you now they start screaming over there in the left quart, or so?
Georg: I hope so. I think they like all of us, don’t you?
H: And that had to start sometime?
Gustav: Yes. I have the best view from the back on concerts…….it started with DDM and it’s growing ever since.
H: And is this a rumor, a nice story or is it true that you can’t go to school anymore because during recesstime it’s going the same as it is here?
Bill: We’re – ehm –since a year…Well since August we’re quai freed from school – but of course we keep on going. We’ve something like private lessons, so that we don’t miss to much of all, when we’re on the road. But from summer on it’s going back again for us…..Of course we also have some quiet minutes, But I have to say that they always give us unbelievable energy. And if we perform live and there are thousands of young girls and boys……..who are standing there and scream…….it’s a unbelievable feeling.
H: So, you like it – and you would like to have uproaring fans again – maybe you could begin your song once more? Well, furthermore good luck and for all your plans.
Thank you for coming. It was great!
Tokio Hotel……
Sonntag, 12. März 2006
12.03.06 Echo (Georg gets kissed) X
Natalie (she used to have dark hair) kissed Georg at the Echo awards
Samstag, 11. März 2006
Freitag, 10. März 2006
Donnerstag, 9. März 2006
Mittwoch, 8. März 2006
Donnerstag, 2. März 2006
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