Donnerstag, 23. März 2006

23.03.06 RTL Punkt 12 (with translation)

translation by Artax/tha

Every day countless mothers preach to their little ones that fresh air and healthy food are good for them. And now, TH come along and say: "Humbug. We only eat fast food" and, quote: "Untouched nature is totally disgusting." Natasha W. and Tanja J. met the boys yesterday at a concert in Vienna and asked them how we are to understand that.

No more hiding: Totally unabashed, Bill & Co treat themselves to a glass of champagne in public. Twice gold and twice platin for over a hundred thousand sold CDs in Austria - apparently, that had to be celebrated. After the huge run-in with the youth welfare office four months ago, the boys had been really cautious with drinking alcohol in public. No matter. Bill & Co had something to celebrate, and right away provided something new to talk about. Listen at this:

Bill: We're all "Drinnis" [drin = inside], i.e. we sit inside all day and eat only fast food and totally unhealthy and don't like this fresh "Draußi" [draußen = outside] stuff, all this salad and this arugula.

Just great, will all those mothers be thinking now, who just had worked hard to teach their teenies about healthy food and stuff - or for example, that a tree isn't standing in the woods merely for decoration. And then idol Bill comes along, and has more to say:

Bill: Untouched nature, for example. That is disgusting. Where it's all, like, overgrown... we hate that.

One has to, and can only, explain it with a late surge of puberty. At least, the boys celebrated the 19th birthday of bassist Georg totally low-key - because at some point, you're too old for certain things, right?

Bill: When we were still young, we... well, there we really went at it... But we're always totally disciplined when we're on tour. There's not much partying going on...
Tom: We're generally very disciplined!
Bill: ...because we always have to have a lot of power for the concerts.

Well, and that's probably why exercise aside of the stage is totally taboo.

Bill: We hate to go for a walk. We always drive from A to B by car, taxi or whatever, we walk almost never.

Oh, well, you mums and dads out there: Let's be optimistic. What Tokio Hotel are going through right now - it's probably just one of these phases - and surely, that'll pass quickly.

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