Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007

31.01.07 Autographes NRJ X

31.01.07 NRJ Radio X

Der letzte Tag


Credit THT channel

interviewer: Tom and Bill, who of you two is stingier?
Tom: that’s me, i’m stingier. (they laugh)

interviewer: it’s probably best if neither of you gives an answer to that question... who has the longest hair?
Tom: um... me.
Bill: yeah, Tom.

interviewer: who’s the biggest fashion victim?
Tom: me.
Bill: not me. (they laugh)

interviewer: who of you is the most annoying?
Bill: Tom!
Tom (at the same time): Bill! (they laugh)

interviewer: the ugliest?
Bill: Tom!
Tom: Bill! (they laugh)

interviewer: the most authoritative?
Bill & Tom (unisono): umm... (they laugh)
Bill: it’s hard to tell...
Tom: i’d say it’s me.
Georg: i’d say it’s Bill.

interviewer: the most athletic?
Bill: well, not me.
Tom: neither of us.

interviewer: who of you is the most seductive?
Tom: of us all or...?
Bill: well, of us all...
Tom: well, of us all it’s me. and just between the two of us it’s also me. (Bill and Georg groan) (they laugh)

interviewer: the strongest?
Bill (very determined): me! for sure.

interviewer: who’s the smartest?
Bill: mmh... i guess we complement each other quite well.

interviewer: who of you two looks best naked?
Bill: me, me!

interviewer: who’s the best in bed? (they laugh)
Tom: well, you needn’t even ask that question. although we can’t actually judge over that.
Bill: yeah.
Tom: you should ask the ladies. well, the others haven’t had too many ladies yet, so... (Bill goes *oooh*. once again it’s obvious that they have a different opinion about one-night stands.)

interviewer: Tom seems to be quite the womanizer.
Tom: of course.
interviewer: i thought that was rather Gustav…
Bill: the ladies’ man?
Tom: Gustav?
Georg: Gustav?
interviewer: yeah, the one who’s had the most girls.
Gustav: oh, i see. no, not me. (they laugh)
interviewer: i suppose your girlfriend is listening right now.

(for some reason the whole interview starts over again at this point (in the video). then the interviewer announces that they will play an acoustic version of “Der letzte Tag” live and he asks Bill if his pronounciation was correct.)

(i found some more questions of that interview, but i couldn’t find the whole interview on youtube.)

interviewer: where are the ugliest girls? Belgium, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg are listening, so maybe don’t name those…
Tom: the ugliest girls are definitely always in Georg’s bed. (they laugh)

interviewer: how do you like the French girls? or didn’t you even notice them?
Bill: of course we did. we immediately noticed that there are a lot of beautiful girls in this country. the boys here are very lucky.
interviewer: do you say that in every country?
Bill: well, i think it’s different in every country. but i particularly noticed it here. the girls are very pretty. they get dressed up and stuff… very nice.
Tom: but there are pretty girls in every country of course.

Freitag, 26. Januar 2007

Übers Ende der Welt X

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Making of Übers Ende der Welt (with Translation) (s) X

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translation by aya/tha

Voice: Absolute silence here near the set!

Bill: Well UEDW is about preserving your course and always keep your aim in mind and you mustn't be afraid of breaking out of your daily life or limits
You definitely shouldnt stay in your daily routine and just go straight on but sometimes you have to make some circuits.


Bill: We tried to reflect the song with the story of our video, we wanted that the audience are able to see and notice the drab monotony of everyday life
We had a lot of supernumeraries, I guess about 60 people who all looked the same.

Tom: And we tried to wake these people up with our music and eventually we made it - all these people are trying to climb up the walls and want to break free.

Bill: well oftentimes you just need someone who reminds you that you shouldnt block yourself and that you shouldnt be scared about it and that's what we did in our vid.
Someday the people realize that it is not that hard to break free and that it's not hard to do what you want or feel.

Tom: Well most parts of the vid took place in this alley and eventually on the roof. We break away, then climb from the alley to the roof and eventually
are able to see the sun.
And this is a symbol for that you made it out of the daily routine.

Bill: And we realized that making videos is always uncomfortable you never have the perfect conditions so that everyone feels comfortable or feels warm
so that you can shoot in between but if you want to have
a good location you always have to shoot in the cold or in the rain.

Tom:When shooting we kept on wanting tea to keep us warm, we had like tons of tea there and eventually no water for the tea anymore.
Georg: It was extremely cold and during breaks we all ran around in our winter jackets and we stayed all the time in front of the two gas blowers we had there.
Tom: Well of course, it was a huge factory building with a lot of alleys and we were shooting at the biggest alley with the huge ads signs and we tried to change the huge ads sign ,well we didnt do it but someone did it for us.

Part 2:
Tom: Overall it was a really hard day and we look forward to see the first cut of the vid and are pretty curious and we are also looking forward to present it to the fans and let's see what'll happen
We are pretty curious, tired and will go to bed soon, hopefully.

26.01.07 Kika Logo Zimmer 483 X

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Sonntag, 21. Januar 2007