Montag, 10. März 2008

Teemix Interview (with Translation) #

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Translation of Teemix by Cara!!

Bill and Tom, you've just ended your studies, how do you feel ?
Well, the first thing we did was to burn an throw everything ! That was definitely something we ever dreamt to do. We said each other : the day we're done with that, we're throwing away everything. So if we should go further in our studies now whe'll have to buy everything again ! But it's not our intention now to go on so. Now we're focusing on the band. We're so happy that all this shit is finally finished.... (Bill has the cutest way ever to say bad words LOL). That was an unbelievable nightmare but now it's definitely all for the band.

Are you going to get a new single out ? (I think they're asked about something new after zimmer 483 because here in France they're getting Heilig out at the end of the month)
No, not until now. We didn't manage to get in studio for the moment. The third album is not even started. But of course there will be new songs and we'll heading back in studio this year to make the third album. There are already a lot of ideas and lyrics and songs in our minds so...

Do you think it's possible for you to get a "normal" relationship with a girl ?
Tom : it depends what you call normal (all pervy laugh)... But yeah for sure except that there is a time trouble. Everything will have to happen by phone actually ! (pervy laugh n°2). But if we're really in love it would possible, we could travel with the girl. (Here Bill is nodding like "Naja Klar")

Do you guys have a funny story to tell about a too much demanding fan ?
Little hesitation, Twins look each other.
No we can't chose by saying "this fan or this fan is more hysterical than the others!" Our fans are always mad when we arrive and we love that. The worst for us would be an audience that nicely clap like we see with other artists. That would get on our nerves pretty much to see them only clap. (Tom) : yeah on stage we want to let it all go, to get all that energy and shout, we're not there to relax. (Bill) Yeah relaxing we can do at home. (Bill) Yeah we love when they there's noise and shouts. (Tom) Yeah that gives us energy.

Bill was elected the sexiest guy of 2007 by a spanish newspaper. What do you think about it and who do you find the sexiest in general ?

Georg : Jessica Alba !
Tom : Jessica Alba !
Georg : I answer first !
Tom : If someone get here what he's answering, just tell me ! Well, in general i thing it's stupid to make those rankings for the guys...
Georg : yeah and especially when Bill is winning !
Bill : laugh hard
Bill : I really wonder who could have picked me as the sexiest one ! It's a huge mistake but also a big honour for me (cutie laugh like yeah i know i'm too hot but don't tell me it's make me blush!).
Tom : so yeah for me it's jessica albla and the fact that Bill won is just shitty. We really want to know who could have voted for him, no ?
Bill : No idea (the poor one is really trying to search who LOL!)

Then i don't get it and it's not subtitled, i just hear Georg speaking of comedy so maybe he says that Bill must have won the actor award... Again if someone can help...

Bill answering to who do you find sexy.
Well, i don't have any preference, no girl that i find amazingly sexy. There could be some actresses that i could find really sexy. (Here in french it's translated with kind of a rude word like "hell sex hot" ("bonnes") that i don't think Bill could have said LOL) I think he said something like "sure there are actresses that look damn sexy from outside".
"But i don't really have an icon or star that i find dying sexy."
Tom : Me i would find a lot !
Gustav : Scarlett Johansson in The movie.

What's your favorite tv serie ?
Tom : I like 24, that's really made for me !
Bill : Me i'm found of The King of Queens… If in real life they're as funny, i'd love to have a part in that show !
Tom : I like too Playboy Mansion, but i don't know if it counts like a serie.
Georg : Well, there have been several followings so we can say it's a serie...
Tom : I also like Girl Next Door…

What are you listening at the moment ?
Bill : Me it doesn't change... It's always the same since 1 years and a half... (Here laughing like "okay i know it's dumm but i can't help...) Coldplay, Keane, ...

Tom : Yeah for Georg it's the same, no change, he still listens too Jeanette Biedermann ! (don't know who that is but i guess it's not a compliment.)
So here we got the little devilish laugh from Billy
Georg : yeah i still got the same collection !Seriously, i listen to Yellow Card ans Jimmy Eat World…
Tom : Me it's still Samy Deluxe.
Gustav : Now i listen the album Ugly from Life of Agony

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