Dienstag, 1. Mai 2007

01.05.07 Bravo Super Show X

Roter Teppich

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The guy's name is "Elton" (I guess because of the glasses...), he works for Stefan Raab]
Elton: Don't panic, here they are already: TH! Hello!
Elton: Billy, Tom... and the other two [of course, he does this on purpose]
Right, just quickly walk through here... Yes, nothing, despite the chains. Nothing under the hat, either. Good. Um, it's a bit embarrassing...
Tom: The event? No...
Elton: No, the event is great. No, my relatives and neighbours have told me to make you sign some things...
Tom: I think that's for some chick, that you wanna impress... you already have the handcuffs on you...
Elton: Hey, as if I would need that...
Tom: Knick-knack... like: 'I know Tom'...
Bill: Ok, let's do this...
Elton: This here, for example, is for my boss...
Bill: Oh, how sweet of Stefan...
Tom: ...from Stefan!
Bill: Wait, I draw a little heart on it...
Elton: You too...
Tom: Yes, me too
Elton: You can already go on with this
Elton: This one is very important, that's for my neighbour... "In great friendship"
Tom: On that? For your neighbour?
Bill: For the aquaintance...
Ge: the cousin...
Tom: here... "for the aquaintance". Tsak! Right?
Elton: Right, thanks! Now, quickly on stage with you... Now I can eat these...

Award Show

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1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

...please where can I buy a unicorn?