Montag, 10. Oktober 2005

10.10.05 TV Total (with Translation)

TV Total Stefan Raab Oktober 2005 - MyVideo


Stefan Raab: They are sixteen, seventeen and eighteen years old and I’m happy they’re here. They’ve won two Comets last week, ladies and gentlemen, give them a warm welcome; Tokio Hotel!

Tokio Hotel, ladies and gentlemen! Yes, firstly; welcome and again congratulations to the two Comets you’ve won last week. Yes, it’s all going very well for you, isn’t it? When have you brought out your single, your first single?

Bill: Erm, about eight weeks ago

Tom: Indeed.

Stefan Raab: Eight weeks? And in this time it has burst out, incredibly…

Bill: Yes

Stefan Raab: From zero to one hundred, girls go crazy everywhere you come…

Georg: A bit.

Stefan Raab: A bit! [Laughs] And yes, your lives have certainly changed a lot, haven’t they?

Tom: Yes, they have. Also with school now. That would have been very hard now of course., so… yes, it’s complicated to get it all over you at the same time, but –

Stefan Raab: You mean you don’t go to school anymore now?

Bill: We do, but we’ve got a year off now. But Georg has to make sure that he graduates.

Stefan Raab: That means working!

[Screaming/laughing from audience]

Tom: I’ve already told him; this is important, i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t!

Stefan Raab: Yes, but excuse me; for rock ‘n roll you don’t need to graduate.

Bill: Yes, Georg always says that too…

Georg: Yes

Stefan Raab: Yes, but you don’t know how long it’ll be possible to do rock’ n roll

Bill: That’s what Geog always tells himself too…

Stefan Raab: Yes, but you don’t know how long you can do rock ‘n roll, can you? I mean, you know the fate of many teenage bands yourself; you don’t have illusions about that, have you?

Bill: No!

Stefan Raab: You have to mind; you can never be sure that it’ll always be like this.

Bill: No, that’s right. Now, in the year we don’t have to go to school, we’re still voluntary studying because we don’t want to let it go totally, we all definitely want to do our finals. And, yes, we’re all aware of the fact that it could all suddenly be over.

Stefan Raab: Yes, well … (Says a German name, don’t know it) You don’t want to end up like that, do you? [Laughing] Your brothers, aren’t you? More than that, you’re twins!

Tom/Bill: Yes, identical twins.

Stefan Raab: Identical twins? You don’t see that at all!

Tom: Yes, a good thing.


Stefan Raab: Who has don something artificial to his hair?

Bill: Both!

Tom: He did. He dyed his hair and I , well, it’s not artificial.

Bill: No, that’s right.

Tom: Yes, I’ve got my hair like this for four years now, and Bill always dyes his hair. Normally we both have blond hair, a bit darker than you.

Stefan Raab: [Laughs, pretends to do karate (?)] Okay. You’re a grown band, aren’t you? Or have you been casted?

Tom: We exist for five years now. Bill and me started performing with the two of us, then we met those two, and we didn’t want to just pick them up at first but then we thought “okay, it fits perfectly actually” and it worked out. We’re together for five years already now, as I said.

Stefan Raab: Okay, and all the girls have an incredible crush on you, we’ve hade some standing in front of the studio this morning and one of them really wanted to give you a fan letter. I don’t even know for who it was, for who was the letter? For Bill?

Tom: Yes, we’ve already invited her in the car…

Stefan Raab: Really? Well, she has asked us if shy could read it for you, and she has done it.

Bill: Oh, that’s so nice.

Stefan Raab: Just listen it’s totally cute.

TV-voice: The TV-Total watcher service; Tokio Hotel fans read Tokio Hotel fan mail!

Girl: Hey Tom, I’m really happy for you that you’ve won the Comet for Best Newcomer (…) Till the next time, I hope there will be a next time.

TV-voice: That was totally sweet!


Stefan Raab: Yes, cool, isn’t it?

Tom: Yes, it was for me after all.

Stefan Raab: Only for you

Tom: I thought it was for Bill but it was for me after all.

Stefan Raab: It was only for you and you’ll get the chance to answer it now!

Tom: [Laughs] I can only say, well. I thought it were 50000 letters – Because she asked if I found a letter – and we tried to open as much as possible but we haven’t totally succeeded, and I think I would have remembered you, so you were probably in one we haven’t opened.

Stefan Raab: Okay, you don’t have a girlfriend at the moment?

Tom: No, I don’t have a girlfriend. The only one with a girlfriend is Gustav.

Stefan Raab: That’s a bit inconvenient now it all going so well isn’t it? [Laughs] Yes well, that’s how it is, that’s Rock ‘n Roll! And you don’t want to commit yourselves yet, do you? And of course you don’t even have time for girlfriends!

Tom: Well, no

Bill: In between…

Tom: We don’t commit ourselves every day [Laughs]

Stefan Raab: [Laughs] Yes, well, a rock star has got to be flexible.

Tom: We’re totally flexible and open to everything

Bill: Indeed

Stefan Raab: I’ve got here a very interesting scene from the Comet awards. I don’t know if you’ve seen that, but when you played one more time in the end, after the audience had given you the Supercomet someone thought “Let’s get up that stage and dance”. [Laughing] Wait a moment, because when this happened a security person of Tokio Hotel must have thought “Who is the fat one up there?” and he probably hadn’t recognised him and he got him off stage! Just watch this, Thursday evening live at Pro7.

[video, applause]

Bill: Yes, I already wanted to say that, he had annoyed us the entire day so much. He wanted to go to the toilet with Georg, really…

Tom: He was constantly in front of our hotel room, even very early in the morning and than he got up stage…

Stefan Raab: And he probably recorded a lot of fan material for us…

Bill: Yes, probably

Stefan Raab: That comes with the success of course, with the big success come

Tom: groupies

Stefan Raab: Yes [Laughs] and of course jealousy. You know that yourselves, you can’t simply go to school anymore.

Bill: Indeed.

Stefan Raab: Though probably, when you don’t style the way you did now people wouldn’t recognise you anymore, would they? Without the make-up, hair combed back…

Bill: Still they would recognise us, I thought they wouldn’t too, but it wasn’t really like that. But it also depends on the city we are in, in Magdeburg people recognise us much easier than in other cities. (Others agree)

Stefan Raab: Okay. You’ll play live for us later, won’t you?

TH: Yes, that’s right

Stefan Raab: Really live!

Tom: Really live

Stefan Raab: That’s for a band like Tokio Hotel – you’re all still very young, you can always learn some more about your instruments – though I think you’re all doing really well already

Tom: Thanks [laughs]

Stefan Raab: Well, stay watching, for Tokio Hotel will play live at TV Total!

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