Montag, 17. Oktober 2005

17.10.05 Taff Bericht (with Translation)


presenter: in Berlin, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav performed in front of a 100 invited girls and the girls were thrilled.

girl 1: oh my god… i don’t know what to say, i’m sorry…

girl 2: he’s so nice, he’s such a good person, i’d just love to have him. he’s so nice.

girl 3: how was it?!

girl 4: awesome!

presenter: a short while ago, the band started a call-up with BRAVO: “We’re looking for a girlfriend for Tokio Hotel”. they got 56’000 love letters in return. the four boys had free choice.

Georg: yeah.

Bill laughs.

Gustav: show me.

Tom: what?

Georg: she’s naked.

Tom: yeah, cool.

Bill (looks at a picture): she’s ok. look. she’s quite pretty.

Georg: invite her.

Bill: yeah, i’ll invite her.

presenter: the boys finally invited a 100 girls to an intimate private concert, for a “detailed consideration”. but the real highlight was after the concert, when the girls one by one got to meet their idols.

girl 2: i’m so excited. i’ve already started crying, cause the pressure’s really on.

interviewer: what pressure?

girl 2: well, not to make a mistake (speaking error) or not to embarrass oneself… i don’t know.

presenter: face to face with Tokio Hotel, at first the girls were shy, but they became more and more curious. that way, Bill got to chat away.

Bill (shows the B-jewelry): thanks. look at it.

girl 2: i like going to parties, i also like throwing parties…

Bill: i hardly ever throw a party, cause you always have to clean everything up…

girl 2: tell me about it! i know what you mean.

Bill: yeah, that’s why i prefer going to other parties. you don’t have to worry about a thing, you can make a mess. but when you throw a party you just have to watch things all the time. i’d probably follow everyone all the time to make sure no one’s doing anything stupid or throwing up somewhere in a corner.

girl 2: ok, but when there are a lot of people, you can’t control it.

Bill: yeah, of course.

presenter: in the end, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav got to pick their personal favorites. for the following date, the four Tokio boys wanted to be left alone though.

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