Samstag, 22. Oktober 2005

22.10.05 Making of Schrei (with Translation) (s) X

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Bill: Hello, good afternoon! I’m Bill and we’re here at the place we’re recording our new single Schrei.
Producer: At Tokio Hotel’s website we’ve made an appeal that we needed people to play in the music video of Schrei. And we’ve received tons of mail, they’ve written to us from all places, they’re more than happy to travel here at own costs just to be here. Some of them sent extremely sweet letters, but you just can’t answer all of them. I stopped looking at them after I’ve read about 1500 of them.

Director: Hi I’m Zoran Bihao and I’m the director of Tokio Hotel’s new video.
Guy: We have to do one more light-check inside and then we’ll get you in and start.
Director: It’s some sort of bungalow, it’s about to be pulled down I’m afraid. An old bungalow from the sixties. We’re just going to have a light party here, with the wild youngsters over there… Those are the instruments that can be demolished. Hopefully Bill will croudsurf over here, get op there, sing a bit and get back again. I guess it’ll look more convincing when it’s filled with 75 teenagers.
Producer: It’s like… the parents are gone and the band just invites their friends for a party at with of course the house will get seriously damaged.
Director: It’ll be like some people from here (the party) made a short movie about it.
Director: We’ll do it three times.
Tom: It’s about freeing yourself from a certain situation, so we thought it fitted very well to just start recording without a planning.
Bill: People where standing on these stairs and performed, they did very well.
Director: I didn’t want to tell Tokio Hotel, nor their friends, what they had to do. I didn’t want it to be artificial. Some things were planned, but I’ve always kept enough room for the people to make it their own.
Georg: The people did very well. We were afraid that in the beginning it’d be a bit fake, but they played along perfectly from the beginning.
Tom: It was a good selection, they really created an atmosphere.
Tom: Well, I think live concerts are much better; you immediately see the crowd’s reaction; it’s an entirely different feeling.
Bill: Well, in our practice-room we also have parties from time to time, so this isn’t that different…

Girl: I think the music is cool, and especially their career; they just believed in it and really did it; they’re living their dream. I think that’s great.

Tom: Well, we always wanted to be recognised in the street, so now it’s really great feeling.

Guy: Yes, well, I’ve known them from… yeah, very small; devilish.
Girl: Tom is cool
Girl: Bill is cool

Georg: We weren’t expecting this immediate success. I mean, we’re newcomers and… I don’t know… It’s just a rocket that went up by itself (?)

Bill: I’m very, very glad I don’t have to clean this up…
Gustav: I was like; What was that? It was a little surprise. No, it wasn’t planned.
Voice: Now go crazy!

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