Samstag, 9. August 2008

09.08.08 Viva Duell der Stars X (with Translation)

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Now two bands of brothers enter the ring, who have vowed their life to music and guitars, and who have loads of female fans.

TH vs JB

Lory Glory: IMO these JBs resemble this Bill from TH quite a bit. All have dark hair, a bit longer... that goes already into this direction... Who knows how JB will look in a few years? When they want to have success in Germany, they maybe all look like Bill from TH, who knows...

- three brothers: ...
- band founded 2005
- have their own two TV series
- take part in a Disney movie
- give 10% of their income to charity
- vow virginity till marriage
- symbolically wear "purity rings"

LG: Duh, wah? A ring? As a promise? Ah, they wear this ring until they finally get laid! [Honestly, girl! ]
Collie: To mention this in the official band biography reeks a bit of a marketing strategy to me...
LG: I think they have bad counselors. They should come to me...

JB are different from other boys their age also in other aspects: They are idolized by thousands of girls - and keep their hands off them. They tour the whole world without ever fighting.

Joey(?): We treat each other with a lot of respect, and we're usually asked: 'Don't you fight?' But no, actually not.

Alex Siemen: Obviously, these are different images colliding: On the one side, this American clean, orderly conduct of the JB, and then you have this image more brushed to rebellion, rock/punk of TH...

Tom: Of course there have to be rules: No farting, no wanking...
Bill: ...which applies especially to Georg...
Tom: That's why Georg, on off-days, works his right hand a lot, clearly...

-twins bill&tom plus gustav&georg
-breakthrough in Germany 2005 with "Monsun"
-caused fan hysteria
-six number 1 hits world-wide
-several national & international awards
-2007 some success in the usa&canada
-no advocats of abstinence
-bill's androgyne style is very polarizing

Klaas: With TH, there's more inharmoniousness, more provocation.
C: When the pussycat dolls are in town, or Puff Daddy, there are a couple of fans, hunting for autographs - but TH cause around here some kind of mass hysteria: When you see that the whole building is locked down, and there are 20 security guy in front of the door, then you can safely assume that TH is in town.

Lisa Bund: Recently, I was on Mallorca, and suddenly there's this poster of TH, and you think: What am I doing wrong?

Clearly: home field advantage for TH. Can the JB still win the race?

??: *mockingly* I will defend TH to the blood!!
C: They shook things up here in our country... I'm very proud of TH.
LG: It's rather simple when you're successful in America, like the JB, to become successful everywhere else; but the other way around, from Germany to the US - that's more difficult, I guess... And therefore I'm for TH.
C: I like TH. 10 points from me.

And the winner is... TH! JB aren't quite there yet.

AS: JB aren't around quite as long yet, and they haven't quite made it across the ocean, there it's a bit difficult for them - but it still could happen. Let's wait and see...

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