Montag, 21. September 2009
SFR Music (with translation)
Translation by Fifi and emynona:
Q: Is a new album synonym of stress for you?
Bill: We feel less pressure now because it's our 4th album, and so we have nothing more to prove. This album is released in many countries at the same time. There are two versions, an English one, a German one. It's both very exciting and stressful for us because it's the first time. But we try to relax and focus on our first goal, which is to make good music and that people keep enjoying what we're doing.
Q: The desire of a musical change?
Bill: For this album, we wanted to produce something different and evolve musically. We performed the same songs for one year and it's true that even we were bored to hear and interpret them. We had to move on. We wanted a different sound from the eternal guitar-bass-drums. So we tried lots of different things. But what's really new in this album is that Tom and I co-produced it.
Tom: We went to the studio and we tried new things, original sounds for us. There has not been some precise influences. We wanted to make a new album and it's true that the sound is different. But it still is TH.
Q: Was this album inspired by science fiction?
Bill: To be honest, we're not science fiction fans. We simply thought that the word "humanoid" fitted us and that it described quite well our lives and what we are. So, we had chosen this title for the album before we even started to write the songs.
Bill: Success is not something you get used to. Sure we're really happy to see our fans waiting for us outside. We worked hard and for quite a long time on this album. And when we arrived, two days ago, we were delighted to see that our fans were there in front of the hotel. (not true apparently, according to Fifi)
Mina (TH fan): I think I would need to write a book to describe all I like about them. They are real I think they are... That's a band that wasn't casted, they knew each others for a long time as kids and who realized a dream together without expecting it. They're real, the fact that they're my age, what they sing and say fits with a certain period of my life... They evolved like I did in fact. So after a while, it's sentimental, we get attached, and it's a little like our favorite (ndlt: chouchou in French, hard to translate).
Bill: Fans are really important for us in every country. They always have something special. But it's true that apart from Germany, we played most of our shows in France.
Tom: French fans always welcome us greatly.
Bill: They are here right when we arrive and it's true that they have always supported us.
Sonntag, 20. September 2009
18.09.09 (with translation)
Speaker: The latest Hit from Tokio Hotel...AUTOMATISCH
Before the third studio-album hits the stores, there is the new single. And to be sure, that the fans are able to sing the song worldwide, Bill and Co. had produced the song also in english. During the video-shoot in South Africa, the guys have enough time to think about the song.
Tom: The awesome thing about automatic is, that, if things happen automatic, it makes life easier.
Bill: Ja..simplifying
Tom: Ja it simplifies and it is positiv...The only thing automatic is not positiv, is, if your relationship or your love becomes automatic...then you are really in trouble....
Speaker: The production for the new album has taken more than one year.
They recorded in LA, Hamburg and Berlin and then on the top the video-shoot. They shot the video with cool cars in an unreal environment...and what that means, Tom had to expierence first hand.
Tom: I am with my....ähm...with the ..we weared such funny underwear...some how...I went to sleep with a full suit, woolen socks and woolen hat and then my fucking heat blanket was not working...Finally after two hours it became a little bit warm under the blanket. And then you get up in the morning, it is still dark and bloody cold outside.
Speaker: Whether Automatisch or Automatic...Tokio Hotel booms back with full speed into the charts.
Translation by BKth4e
18.09.09 Viva La Tokio Hotel (with translation)
Translation: by Pat/tha:
Translation of the first part
(except for all the mumbling going on and some parts I just didn't hear very well, Tom and Klaus mumble too much)
oh i am so happy, I am so happy
hello, hello, good day
I am welcoming you here.
oh and nice pastries and everything
everything is there
a beautiful man it is, can I hug you
oh those are pretty boys
honestly, you look much nicer in real.
that we like to hear!
the icecream man is there, the icewoman.
go look fast
and then we all sang together:
"wir winden dir den jungfernkranz"
you must know that one as well.
jajaja, I know it
we all sang that, what else did we sing
I talk to it
she gives me strength and health, this oak.
I am having a conversation with the oak.
now shut up. be quiet
here we go again
klaus, I beg of you.
it is good we are with you or I would have gotten
one on the mouth. yes
I think i have to sit over there.
no no, you stay over there
your birthday is coming up soon huh?
on the first of september.
we will be 20!
we will come over on your birthday
oh yeah, that is good/cool.
nonsense...don't speak such nonsense
don't promise something you can't keep.
there was this big farm and you could buy breakfast there
and then this bee stung me
and my arm was this big.
I am allergic
this big.
for all stings I am allergic.
I was in the hospital once because of a musquito sting
but you are too fragile, too white
as white as snowwhite
I have totally..
and he is more masculine, I would say
I have gotten all the positive things..
Bill looks like a woman
Bill looks like a woman
he looks more fragile, you are more manly
translation second part:
you know Michaël Wendler?
michael wendler.
we don't know him.
I think he is pretty good.
there was a wendland.. wendland?
nee, wendler..
we knew wendland..
oh that looks delicious
that also looks delicious
farmers omelet, that looks good.
then I wish you a good appetite
is that not too warm ,with the hat on your head?
that is pretty warm, yeah
so then why don't you take it off?
my hair is not right.
but you take it off when you sleep right?
he wears a skull
(the guy says something about pirates)
he wears a skull.
looking at hands brings anger, is what they say
but I don't believe it
you have to show that..
that is crazy or what, look at it
we always wanted a treehouse when we were young
all kids want to have one.
a treehouse is a nice thing
(and then some part I don't understand..
what is the difference between a donkey and a pony
a donkey is a donkey, a pony is a pony....
they are from a different family
but they look alike.
yeah they look alike
they didn't have food
so they ate human flesh
that happened
that is what I have wondered, what human flesh would taste like.
I have never ate any but I heard it tastes sweet.
you never trusted yourself to try it?
this one is well fed, look here..
so.. what is your name..
what is your name
that is speedy
that is the center
the center of the earth
I will push it
oh not so fast please
i am getting nautious already
i don't get it.. noooo
now it is going somewhere..
(and then I miss the last words)
Freitag, 18. September 2009
Donnerstag, 17. September 2009
16.09.09 Facebook Message X
2009.09.16-TH message on facebook(german version).mp4
2009.09.16-TH message on facebook(english version).mp4
Mittwoch, 16. September 2009
Dienstag, 15. September 2009
Montag, 14. September 2009
14.09.09 Expressen TV Interview (with translation) X
Tokio Hotel created chaos - Translation
Malvina Britts (reporter):
Lots of Tokio Hotel fans are gathered here outside the Sheraton hotel. The band is sitting here and doing interviews all day today. Thought we could talk with some of them.
Hello there.
What is it that is so good with Tokio Hotel you think?
Everything. The music and their lyrics are so personal, and extremely good. And the band is totally amazing and they have the true message in their lyrics.
The German guys in Tokio Hotel has lots of fans worldwide. But they doesn’t seem to have any problems with where ever they come they have lots of fans waiting for them.
We think it is very nice and we are happy for it. All day we stay at the hotel and give interviews, you get tired and then we are happy that there are people who support us and who likes it.
I don’t know, you have to ask the fans. We think we are completely normal. For ten years we are a band and we are delighted that it's what it is.
Playing live, to stand on stage and play for a lot of fans are the most fun. That is why we do everything, for we have a large audience to play for.
Sonntag, 13. September 2009
12.09.09 Boogie Interview X (with translation)
Tokio Hotel interview with Jeppe and Oliva in Denmark. Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz
Bill: To decide, which song will be the first, is..i belive, always one of the toughest decision. We had written a lot of songs and had taken a lot of time for it. First of all in general, to choose the album tracklist was tough enough. Which 14 songs...they are by now 14 tracks on the album...will make it. If it comes to Automatisch or Automatic...i don't know...we just knew it. Because...we thought...this is the track to give the go for the album. It is the entrance in our new sound-world, also to the things we tried for the album...and..
Tom: But...of course one song is not enough to give you a correct impression of the whole album. If it were up to us...we would love to realese almost 10 songs as first people have the chance to notice...because it is full of different facets...there are such a lot influences on the album. That is very important for us...because an album should never be monotonous.
Bill: It was a very exciting video-shoot. We flew to south africa and shooted for 5 days the video. I always looked forward to hear the song by driving my car. And that is excatly what everybody said about this is a car-drive-song. So, we can definitely say, it has to do with cars. It was a very pleasant was very cold...nobody really expectet that...We thought...ok there are tigers and giraffes..and it will be quite warm. But it was really cold...and it looked a little bit strange...we were shooting in the dessert...the sunshine was shining..and it looked warm...
Tom: looked warm..the sun was shining
Bill: looks like good weather...but it was so cold. In between we had to wear thermal-jackets. But it was a great video-shoot and it was fun.
Bill: We have not attempted to make it sound like this or that. It came along during the recording. In anyway it sounds more electronic..but it is absoluty Tokio Hotel. You notice it it at is us. But we have tried different sounds...because finally we were able to write new songs. We have been touring for a long time with the old stuff, because the english album was released later. And if you think about...i recorded " Durch den Monsun" for the first time on the age of 14...and until now we had been in some way on tour. So it was really a good feeling to write new songs and to see in which direction we wanted to go with our music. For the album we removed ourselves from using only guitar, bass and drums...we tried to create a new sound-world. We wanted to try everything with all the technical stuff, that was available for us.
Tom: It is a bit ridiculous..ja it sounds ridiculous, if a band releases a new album and says...oh..we invented us completly new and we have become adults. If it comes to us...of course Bill's voice had automaticly ( means naturaly) is deeper...but we created the music that we felt and wanted to.
Translation BKth4e and Silmar
12.09.09 ZDF Interview (with translation) X
Your new album releases in the beginning of october, how satisfied are you with the result?
- Bill: we're very satisfied, it's very exciting, because we've produced very long, worked very long at it. It's like a baby, you don't know what you're doing somehow. You're doing something you like and you're happy with it, and then the time comes when it's released, and we're really nervous.And we're really happy with it, we took our time, tried a lot of new things, and are really satisfied.
The title means humanoid, is that something personal or.. how did you come up with the title?
- Tom: It is kinda personal, Humanoid was a little a feeling that accompanied Bill and me through life.It's like that until today.And we realised with writing songs for the album that the title fits to us.
For the first time the album is released in english and german at the same time, is it different to sing in english?
- Bill: Well, it was a challenge to do both languages from the beginning, because last time we had more time, we translated afterwards.And it was more work than expected, because we made the texts in two languages and it takes two times longer. For example, the videos. But we didn't want to neglect any version.I had to get used to it, but nowadays.. We're kinda back to the beginning, to what we did in the beginning. When we started ten years ago, we started in german and english too. And now we're doing that again. It feels good.
What's it like to be famous in the USA and Canada?
- Tom: Very good, of course. I mean, we hope to go to as much countries as possible.And we haven't been to Japan until now, we still wanna do that. And it's great, of course. Those can't be too much countries for us.
Are the fans different then here over there?
- Tom: I think every fan is different, I don't think you can decide that in countries. You can't say it's like that in Canada, and like that in France.
What was the experience like to do the photoshoot with Karl Lagerfeld for the vogue?
- Bill: It was a very good experience.It's like dreams you can make true in between and it was really nice.I was really excited that I was able to do that. We could get along well and I like him very much, it was really nice to work with him. It was a very nice photoshoot and it was really nice.
[size=85]{not really sure if I understand this question.}[/size]
Did you know from the beginning what he wanted?
- Bill: I think we can understand eachother really well, because we're both perfectionists. I really know what I want, and he too. I think it was the fastes photoshoot I ever had and it went really well.
With the last album, things happend offstage, with stalkers. Are those the shadow-sides you have to live with?
- Bill: It are the shadow-sides, the things the success takes along and you have to live with.It really is one of the negative things.
Did it get better, is it over now?
- Bill: I don't think it will ever get over. [?]
- Tom: Well, we're a lot away, and because of that we don't really get to know it. Because of that it's a little hard to decide, but last year, when we produced the album, we tried to live completely privat. And than we realised that has become really hard.
You were accused of punching one of the stalkers, how is that now, is that still going on?
- Tom: Yes, that..Yes.
Gustav, you were attacked with a beer-glass.That must have hurt, not?
- Gustav: Yeah, yeah. It has hurt.
- Tom: We have had really different things that have hurt, to be honest. We fight daily, that hurts much more.
As said, I believe you're the only one in a official relationship, Georg?
- Georg: Yes, not only official. I'm the only one that's taken.
How does it look like at the others?Nothing new?
- Bill: With me like before, because of Tokio Hotel...Yeah, there wasn't a relationship. I hope it'll change sometime. I'd love to tell something different, I'm not the one to keep that a secret. That's really stupid, not to say it. I hope it'll happen sometime, of course.
So, last question, because you lived completely private: did you miss everything, the concerts and so?
- Bill: Well, it's nice sometimes to not see each other every day. And when there's written so much shit, you'll love to sit back and make music and so. It was actually only irritating. We were making the album and you want the people to hear that sometime, so it feels good to go out and to be ready with the album and... I can't imagine not doing it for years or something like that. I need it.When you're not on stage for a long time, you want to do it again.
Translation Yaira@THA
Samstag, 12. September 2009
11.09.09 Tokio Hotel TV: Humanoid Cover Shooting Part 1 (with translation) X
Tom: Totaly awesome this can even play guitar with it.
Bill: The wardrobe. You already see again, of course an awful lot of jackets...also some sort of selfmade. Of course I am totaly fond of animals and i would never ever kill an animal for clothes and I absoltly does not support this. So that's why this is fake fur, it is all artificial. This is also no real all very artificial. But it still looks awesome. We also purchased some sort of police-stuff.Actually some kind of waistcoats, that police-men wear for intervasions. Like this..I visualise it to be like some kind of Motorcross-Style..and a little bit...ja...a cool that's why i want some waistcoats. But of course we do have some glitter stuff
Tom: Hm...does this fit me?
Camera-Man: You still try to get the fusels off? Two hours had already passed....
Georg: Ja, and there are still fusels...i am not good in it
Camera-Man: You do it for everyone or just for yourself?
Georg: No...I am doing mine...this is my little space here
Tom: The paparazzi is here again....
Tom: Jammy, jammy....waffles.
Camera-Man: Have you brought along batter?
Tom: Yes ...i have done it at home, last night, mixed some batter. In some way, you do everything for your team. I also brought my privat waffle-iron with me.
Camera-Man: Awesome...You just doing one?
Tom: Ja...i am doing is not really the newest...although i asked my grandmother, maybe i get one for my birthday. That would be nice
Camera-Man: I cross my fingers for you
Tom: Me too...lecker, lecker, lecker...Is this powdered sugar?
Camera-Man: No it is cocoa
Tom: That is something new for me, that powdered sugar is so granulated...look here
Camera-Man: Oh no, i would not take this ….it is a bold-splash-guard...and full of sticky mud.
Tom: Hm...a chease-grater. Well, then the cacao bites the dust..... Self-made-man here...oh, they is still quite a lot in it. I need a housewife. Tom is searching for a TV-show on RTL.
So...let's go
Camera-man: That's awesome
Tom: The guy is so wicked...he can do everything..he may even be has certainly gone for almost a half hour....
Camera-Man: is it ok?
Tom: is ok, it could be a little bit thicker..but it is ok....Show this....haired legs...
Camera-Man: Tank-Top
Bill: Naa....
Someone whistles
Georg: Bill, at least you have to stop working out....
Bill: is too much...i already have little breasts
Georg: Ja, ja..your trizep is simply unnatural
Georg: I do not know what to wear
Camera-Man: What do you have to choose?
Georg: So...T-shirts
Tom: Shall I show you the guitar? Here....Woooow....Wicked right?
Camera-Man: Yeah wicked....
Tom: is good, right...5 million euros
Camera-Man: Mmmh...That's alright
Tom: Ja....also awesome. just see it....
Camera-Man: Self-Tuning? What is it?
Tom: That is...right here above, you can even roll in some Tunings...we play even now live with four different Tunings. You can here choose the Tuning, beat it and it chimes itself. I can try it....
and look...already finished the tuning.
Georg: Next one....
Next Episode:
Bill: Oh, Georg knows exactly how to seduce all the girls.
Freitag, 11. September 2009
09.09.09 MTV3 (translation) X
How are you guys doing?
Bill: We are very well. We're currently working very hard. However, we are very pleased that we are here today.
You guys are really popular among young girls. So what do you guys think about Finnish girls?
Tom: We have been here so little time that we haven't seen many girls. Those few who have seen, are very promising.
How long are you going to stay here now, at Finland?
Bill: We came last night about one o'clock and tomorrow we should leave.
I have to ask from you, Bill, what do you do to your hair?
Bill: I do absolutely nothing. I don't use so much hairspray than I used before.
So how long does it take from you to make your hair like that?
Bill: Not long. The first time takes about an hour. Then no longer you dont have to much to deal with.
Translation by Mei
Donnerstag, 10. September 2009
09.09.09 MSN Starlounge - Interview (with translation) X
Beatels, Take That, Back Street Boys and Tokio Hotel. Maybe not an unfair comparison if you count the fan hysteria surrounding the German band? Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing arrived to the worshiping fans on Tuesday and Star Loge was,natural, there and took the pulse on the mega-hot band.
"Hi, we are Tokio Hotel and you look at starloge"
The new album is called Humanoid and the first single Automatic, and it is a partially new sound that they explored this time.
Bill: It has a bit more electronic sound than our previous records. We spiced it with a bit electronic music. We thought, 'We dont want to hav just guitar, bass and drums.We really wanted to try something new. "
A lot has happen since the last album" scream "with the monster hit Monsoon, was released in 2007, and Bill admits he never could have imagined that they could reach this far.
Bill: None of us could have imagined this. It was totally unexpected and we have our fans to thank for everything.
Tom: This was a dream, but it seemed so un reachable
Bill: I do not think that you can dream so detailed.
There is no doubt that Bill and Co. are popular among the opposite sex.
But what turns them on, and what doesent?
Bill: I always look at the hands and eyes. I need to feel that I can see straight into her soul the first time I see her. I get turned on by spontaneity as well.
Tom: I feel the same way, I like women who are open
Georg: body hair ...
Tom: body hair in the wrong place are turn offs. Yes, and panties, giant-sized panties. It is not at all sexy.
Gustav: Yes, I agree.
No, the giant underwear and body hair can be eliminated, but the tattoos are something that the Tokio Hotel guys like.
Bill: I was first, Gustav has imitated me. He has three now.
Bill: Who was the first to get a star? I! Watch this!
Gustav: but it's a shooting star!
Bill: Yes, it is a bit different.
Tom: I have a number of piercings in my genitals.
Georg: I am completely free from paint and metal.
Bill: wow.
Georg: a natural beauty.
Tom: tattoos are painful, but I just got my fifth ring in my penis. Where we can talk pain.
Georg: He does it to make it bigger. It is a bit small.
Tom: Right! I got it to grow from 25 cm to 45!
Bill: Cut!
Yes, Bill, perhaps it is just as well to cut there. We thank the talkative band for this time and look forward to the new disc Humanoid to be released in October.
Translation by Kaa89

09.09.09 Elämä Lapselle X
2009.09.09-TH-Break Away Live @ Elämä Lapselle(Finland).av
2009.09.09-TH-Automatisch Live @ Elämä Lapselle (FINLAND).avi
Mittwoch, 9. September 2009
07.09.09 MTV Brand Neu X (with translation)
credit Pat/tha
translation of what came out of Kavka's mouth.,lol
my german friend helped me translate this, but whatever he said didn't make much sense.... but I translated it anyways...:rotfl:
welcome back again to brandnew.
now something big will happen on your screen.
because here and right now there is the new video of Tokio Hotel.
the fans had to wait for 2 years that is why the uproar is big.
on october 2nd the new album: Humanoid, which means something like humanlike. (will be out)
you can also say it in english.. jumanuoid, humanoid, something like that
whatever makes sense with Tokio Hotel, they are known worldwide.
the video we are about to see was filmed in the usa.
it is a mix of mad max, Tokio Hotel as we know them and professional.
and the song is called Automatisch.
this will be the autumn of Tokio hotel, no, not just the autumn, I am sure.
here is Tokio Hotel.
that was Tokio Hotel with Automatisch.
and as you might have noticed, the sound has evolved.
I am curious to hear the entire album.
Humanoid released on october 2nd, like I mentioned
08.09.09 Göteborgs Posten TV X (with translation)
Bill: Our fans are really intensive. We have the best fans that you can think of. They are there, no matter how early it is. Tonight, they even where sleeping on the street.
Q: Do the swedish fans differences from the other fans?
Bill: I can not see much difference.
Tom: One difference is that there were many striking blonde people this morning.
Q: There are chaos wherever you are. What down sides of fame have you experienced?
Bill: it is clear that there are negative sides of this publicity. we have not lived a normal life or had any privacy since we were 15 years old. You can not hide. We live for the band, and the positive sides, but it is clear that there are also negative sides.
Dienstag, 8. September 2009
03.09.09 Goom Interview X
Part 1
Part 2
08.09.09 NRJ Morgan with Tokio Hotel X (with translation)
NRJ transcript part 1
I translated from youtube so the first question wasn’t there. But the hosts asked TH “How are you!?”
TH: we feel fine. It’s just a bit early for us.
Knappen: Ah, we have a translator in the studio that helps us to translate the german. Both me and Hakim have read german in the school. But ours isn’t so good.
Hakim: Yes. What did you think about our german? “Ich heisse Hakim und ich habe deutsch in Schule gelernt“. (My name is Hakim and I have learned german in school)
-laughter from the boys-
Georg: wow, ganz gut. (Pretty good).
Host: Sehr gut! (really good).
One of the twins: Sehr gut!
Host: Super! Welcome to Sweden boys. I heard that yoy flew in from Hamburg last night.
Bill: Yeah, we arrived yesterday and went to bed pretty late. We are still very tired but it’s fun to be here.
Host: It’s nice to have you here. How long are you going to stay?
Bill: We leave this evening, tonight to Helsingfors and then back to Germany, right now we have a lot travells and things to do. But we hope that it will be a great time.
Host: Are you only out for promotion or are you going to perform as well?
Bill: This time we are only doing PR but we hope to be back soon and be able to play live.
Host: We look forward to having you here for a concert of course. So ehm I have to ask you guys because people have been asking me “Tokio Hotel, who are these guys?”. In Sweden some people just love you guys and listen to you all the time and some people don’t hardly know what you guys are. Howdid you become this big?
Bill: Honestly we don’t have a reciept for that. We don’t really know. We’ve been a band for almost 10 years and started really early and five years ago the break through came and we don’t know how. We just enjoy the time and think it’s fun that we have support from the fans.
Host: How did it happen? Did it happe nover a night or?
Bill: Yeah, it really happened over the night it was in the summer.
Host: 2005 that’s when you released the super hit I think that made you very big first in Germany and then all over the place. Monsoon. Tell us a little bit about Monsoon.
Bill: well it’s of course a really special thing for us and everytime we hear the memories keeps coming and so on. We have done so much, travelled to many countries and having huge success with our first singel and our first video. And of course we’re really attached to the song.
Host: That’s exciting guys! How about we listen to the song and and talk about your new record that’s coming up soon.
TH: yeah.
Host: So we start out with a really special song for the guys in Tokio Hotel.
-plays Monsoon and Flipsyde – When it was good-
Host: NRJ morning with Knappen and Hakim. It’s 8.15 and Flipsyde When it was good. This is Knappen, Hakim and Tokio Hotel that is here. We’ve been during the songs, we’ve been talking about driving. What’s the question? What is the best thing about Germany.
Bill: I believe that the best thing is that in Germany you can drive in a fast without a limit. And that there are places where you really can speed up and it’s really nice. And we can drive in 300km/h at some parts in Germany.
Host: In Sweden it’s only the king that can be driving 300 km/h. He can do it without getting charged.
Bill: you most come and visit us! You’re gladly invited!
Host: So they’re inviting us to Autobahn to drive like crazy. One of you guys has just lost his license.
- evil laughter from TH-
Host: Could that be the drummer?
TH: Yes. Maybe. It’s totally crazy! It wasn’t really a thing to loose it over.
Host: What happened?
TH: A serial(series?) crash.
Host: serial crash? And you were causing it? Or was it your fault?
TH: yes.
Host: What did you do? Did you went in the car I’m a rockstar dudududu?
Gustav: I forgot to look in the mirror.
Host: Ah, dammit!
Gustav: And then a tram came...
Host: Dammit!
Host: that sounds crazy! You were lucky not to get hurt. Or were you? Did you get injured?
TH: Yes, a little in the head.
Host: But you’re recovering now?
Tom: he can only say some words at a time.
Host: It’s Tom that takes over here. Bill and Tom are the one that talks the most. So guys I know that you’ve been working on your new record and the fans have been waiting for it. They’ve been sitting up all night waiting for you to release the album. Tell us!
Bill: We’ve been producing during a year and really taken the time and we’ve been writing for a long time and recorded in Germany and in America. And we are very pleased and it will be exciting to hear what the fans will be saying it’s really exciting!
Host: Funny, you’ve been around the world recording this have you’ve been working with producers that we know about?
Bill: yes, we’ve mostly been working with our four producers that we’ve already made the first albums with. And we’ve done recordings in Miami but we’ve been a lot in Germany with our families and we also got two studios there. So we work in different places.
Host: Ah, you’re bringing the studios all over the world. Tom! I think Knappen has a question for you.
Knappen: Yeah, actually we’ve been talking about this and I’ve benn thinking about it. We played the Flipsyde a couple of seconds ago and the music stopped.
Tom: when I heard that song a knew that this question would come!
Host: We’re asking and the fans have been wondering about girls. Do you guys have girlfriends?
Bill: Yeah it’s only Georg that has one.
Host: The only one?
Georg: Yes.
Bill: I have to say I would like to answer something else. It’s sad but since I work with Tokio Hotel there’s no time for relationships and it’s only Georg that is lucky. We other are unfortunately not in love.
Host: So Tom, about the rumours about Chantelle in Flipsyde.
Tom: what are these rumours?
Host: Thay you’ve been hanging out, that you’ve been dating. Is that true?
Tom: Of course you can call it hanging out.
Hakim: Knappen is in love with Chantelle. We met her. She was at our concert NRJ in the park this summer. And you know Knappen hardly could speak to her.
Knappen: That’s not true! But if you’re just hanging out, you’re not dating. Cause then I would like to have...
Tom: It’s a matter of how you look at the question.
Host: Ok, he put his head in the water. So guys, you’re new album. The first singel from the new album is called Automatic. I’ve listened to the german version but I haven’t heard the english one. But that’s the one we’re gonna play now.
Host: Tell us a little about the first singel.
Bill: It’s really energetic and we all knew how the first singel should be like. It’s about automatic feelings. About a girl that doesn’t have real feelings, she only pretends.
Host: Ok. Let’s listen to the song and then we’ll get back and talk to you a little bit more.
By NumberOneBulletJasper
NRJ transcription part 2
Host: This is NRJ morning with Knappen and Hakim and we have Tokio Hotel here on set.
Host: It’s very nice to have you here. A real priviliged. Härligt (nice). Haerligt. –laughter- what are you guys gonna do, what are you up today? Visit papers and are you gonna work? What’s the plan?
Bill: ehm. Soon we will begin with our first interview. And it’s unusual to have it like this morning but later we will do a lot of interviews.
Host: Rockstars they don’t get up this early.
Bill: Yeah! We don’t start working until 2 pm.
Host: ah, we’re very, very honoured to have you here guys.
Host: That’s from the bottom of my heart.
Host: Not kidding! Nothing to laugh at! We have a bunch of questions from our fans. More than 500 questions. Our fans? From your fans of course!
Host: And we’re thinking about asking some of them if that’s ok? I can start with the one in german here. So now I’ll try to ask a fucking question in german. Hallo! Ich möchte... what?.. fragen...
Other host: the translator help us.
Host: können sich ein Mädchen auserhalb der Deutschland verlieben? (the question was if they can fall in love with a girl that’s not from Germany)
TH: Really good!
Bill: Yes, I believe that we couldfall in love, it doesn’t matter wich country the girl is from. If I fall in love doesn’t matter where she’s from or wich color her hair has.
Tom: I’ve been having sex around the world! It’s pretty good.
Host: What? Has he had sex in the whole world? Did he say that? –turns to translator-
Translator: yes, he said that.
Host: Dirty boy! What kind of girls do you fall for?
Bill: I don’t know. I must take a first look. I can look into her soul and then I can fall in love. It’s not a special sort of women is just has to happen.
Host: tom is holding up a Slitz newspaper here (kinda like playboy or FHM) with a photo of some swedish girl or maybe she’s norwegian, I don’t know.
Host: But you like swedish girls?
Tom: yeah, if it’s like the magazine is promising they look kinda good.
Host: I’m gonna tell Chantelle about that!
Host: Next question is from Lina in Stockholm. She is wondering what’s your best pick up line?
Bill: I believe there’s only bad ones.
Tom: Hi, my name is Tom.
Host: That’s a good one. Hi, my name is Tom. Do you think I can try that one? Hi, my name is Tom.
Tom: Yeah! –laughs-
Host: will it work?
Tom: try!.
Host: This question I really enjoy. It’s from Sofie in Uppsala. It’s not really a question. She wants you guys to do something. She writes here that she’s standing outside and there is a thing you could do that could make all the fans die. So now we’re going to do a massacre here. Eh, could Bill say “Hey sexy” with his most sexy voice...
Bill: OK.
Host: Most sexiest voice possible. Silence.
-Bill says Hey Sexy really weird and Tom also says it in the background and probably Gustav and Georg too?-
Host: The whole groups says it! Ok, so now you have... Half of the fans outside have now died.
Host: I really hope that’s not the case. So we’ve been having this competition for one of our listeners to meet you guys. And our plan is to inform that one listener now.
Bill: yes, really good.
Host: So I’m gonna bring up the phone and I’m gonna just call her right now. Hopefully she’ll answer. If she don’t we’ll call someone else. This is exciting!
Host: what if she’s not answering?
Girl answers: Hello?
Host: hi! Who is this?
Girl: Hi!
- a lot of noice in the background-
Host: who is it?
Girl: hello who is this?
Host: Who is it we’re talking to?
Girl: Maria.
Host: Hello Maria! We have some eople here that want to say something to you.
Girl: ok.
TH: Hi, we’re Tokio Hotel.
-girl screams in the background.
Maria: wait, wait. I can’t hear!
Host: She’s not hearing.
- a lot of weird sounds from the telephone-
Host: turn of the radio if you can.
Maria: Ok.
-girl in the background: you can gp further there-
Host: we have people who wants to talk to you Maria.
Maria: ok.
Host: Listen carefully now.
TH: Hello we’re Tokio Hotel and we just want to tell you that you’re the winner. You’re going to meet us tonight.
Maria: Oh God!
Host: you have won! You get to meet Tokio Hotel.
Maria: Oh God, Oh God no God! Oh God, thank you! I love you! I just Oh my God.
Host: a big congratulation! How does it feel?
Maria: thank you! Oh God, ok.
Host: Totally shocked!
Maria: I.. Oh God.
Host: you get a salut!
Maria: thank you.
Host: A hug for you. Nice! Maria who’s going to meet Tokio Hotel. She was a little bit shocked. Yeah, she was shocked. People is screaming outside. Did you hear?
Bill: Yes, yeah.
Host: the crowed outside. It’s about 500 people who’s gathered here at work. Totally crazy! We have a little surprise for you later on so you have to stay for a couple more minutes.
Bill: ok.
Host: NRJ morning with Knappen and Hakim and we still have Tokio Hotel here. The german rockstars. Superstars! And the ones who standing outside the work at Münchenbryggeriet, we can tell that they will come and say hi if you stand outside door 35. Yepp. In a minute. They will come and wave. 3 and 5. 35 that is. And we have a surprise for you.
Bill: Ok.
Host: We’ve heard about one of you guys that is getting older today.
TH: yeah, that’s right.
Host: Or a little bit less younger I don’t know. Who is it?
Host: We would like to perform a song. So now we’re gonna perform for you guys. Yeah! How’s that?
-sings happy birthday-
-the band is clapping their hands and screaming-
Host: Rock n roll on the soul. You guys, thanks a lot for getting up this early to come and meet us.
TH: thank you very much.
Host: Good luck with your hard work today and tomorrow in Helsinki.
Bill: Ok.
Host: And yes! About your tour. That’s a really important question that all of the fans are asking. Will you perform in Sweden?
TH: We’re planning our tour right now. 2010 we will have a big tour and we will probably come to Sweden too.
Host: yeah, let’s hope they’ll come to Sweden. It’s so nice! Tokio Hotel ladies and gentleman! Thanks alot for coming guys!
TH: thank you!
Host: Thank YOU!
By NumberOneBulletJasper
27.08.09 Nokia Hombase (with translation) X
At the begining they interviewed some people from Finnland, then Italy and then the two girls from mexico...they talked in i decided to translate only the german stuff...i hope you are fine with this...
The girl with the pink hair: Well, we won the tickets by nokia, because we took part at the raffle
The boy: Ja..we are actualy jittery since days. We can't sleep anymore. We are simply so happy to see the guys.
Vanny: We have been on 34 Tokio-Hotel concerts....and this one will be the 35th.
Bill: Hi Guys...we just arrived at cologne. Shortly our Nokia-Event will start and we're pretty excited.
The crying blond girl:Bill has even signed over my tattoo
The brown haired girl: You can not put it into words...( little bit crying)
The blond girl: It was really awesome
The girl with the drawing: This was the first concert...since a long time
Next girl: Zinger( great, awesome...) So wicked as every concert...even better.
Once again the girl with the drawing: It was great, everyone was very happy and they signed my drawing.
The blond girl: Well, we will go after them.
The other girl: Hey...psst....
Bill: That's for us. For us it is time to go home...we are really done ( exhausted). We have just finished our Nokia-Accustic-Session....and it was very a beautiful day, a very successful day and it was fun...
Tom: Yes...
Sonntag, 6. September 2009
Samstag, 5. September 2009
03.09.09 Paris #3 X
Tokio Hotel Dédicasses Midi part II - 03.09.09 Paris.
Tokio Hotel Dédicasses Midi part III - 03.09.09 Paris.
Tokio Hotel Retour NRJ - 03.09.09 Paris.
Tokio Hotel Départ NRJ - 03.09.09 Paris.
Tokio Hotel Dédicasses Hôtel Retour NRJ - 03.09.09 Paris.
Freitag, 4. September 2009
04.09.09 Viva Interview Part 3 - 5 X
04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 3:
04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 4:
04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 5:
Part 5
R: Is it true that Jay Z invited you to dinner?
T: Hm... I don't think that Jay Z paid, to be honest.
B: Yeah, I don't really know...
T: I don't know who invited whom.
B: He was at one of our concerts. But we didn't know beforehand, it was more of a spontaneous thing, we didn't know that he would be there. We just learned of it shortly before. And, yeah, afterwards we all went to eat something together. But I don't know who invited whom.
T: I think the record label paid.
B: Yeah, I think so, too.
R: And in situations like these, do you feel equal - or do you still feel a bit "small"?
B: You don't really think about it. Sure, sometimes you're nervous when you meet other people, but you don't think about it. In the end, you just have a normal conversation... You don't really think about it. When you remember how many records he has sold... but you don't do that in that moment.
R: And of all the people you've met, who has impressed you most? Is it possible to say that?
Ge: I personally have always been most impressed by Tom.
T: Yeah... but of course, that would be setting the bar a bit high... But I have to say, for me personally, ... Jay Z was nice...
B: A highlight.
T: ... to meet him. George hasn't met his idol yet, it's still David Hasselhoff.
Ge: Yeah, but... um...
T: He hasn't had the chance to meet him in person yet. And apart from that, it's always just these fleeting...
B: ...encounters.
T: ...encounters. Like, at EMAs or VMAs, you meet everybody from Britney Spears to whomever else there is... I mean, everybody is there. But it's, like, you see them in the corridor, and you say "Hi" quickly, and then everybody has his own appointments, and there isn't much time for much conversation or to get to really know somebody. So, hard to say... but dinner with Jay Z was a pleasant evening.
R: Pleasant evening. Cool. So... you'd like to meet David Hasselhoff... whom would you like to meet?
T: I'd like to meet Jessica Alba.
Ge: Really? That's a new one...
B: I can't really think of somebody I'd like to meet... Ah, wait: I'd like to meet Steven Tyler.
T: Him I'd also like to meet. I'd also like to meet Aerosmith.
B: Yeah, I'd like to meet Aerosmith.
T: Whom would you like to meet?
Gu: I think I'd like to meet Steve Jobs.
R: Somebody far from the music scene for a change...
Gu: Just to let him tell some stories about his life.
R: Ok, Steve Jobs... And whom would you love to give a talking-to?
B: Ohhh....
T: Whoa... there would be quite a few...
Ge: there would be quite a few...
T: But we can't talk about that here.
B: But it aren't public persons, I think.
T: Nah, there are some in the public...
B: Yeah?! Then have a go, Tom.
T: No, no... I'm not allowed to tell that here. But there definitely are some...
Ge: ...special friends.
T: But we don't want to go into that.
R: No politician or something like that?
T: Politician?
Ge: Among others...
T: Yeah?
B: Are politicians on this list for you?
T: For me, it wouldn't be politicians in the first place.
Ge: Ok, for me neither. But... they would deserve a talking-to.
R: Journalists?
B: Oh yes.
T: Oh, there would be quite a few journalists...
Ge: I didn't even think of journalistst!
T: There would be quite a few journalists. But, I mean... you often just let it go. I mean, sometimes there are situations where you could give them a talking-to, but...
B: Some journalists we gave a talking-to.
T: With journalists, we did that. But there are, like, other collegues whom you'd love to tell som things... but one just doesn't do it. Usually, you try to be nice.
R: Just too well-behaved...
B/T: Yeah
T: One has to say, we're very friendly, in my opinion, aren't we?
Ge: At times, too friendly.
T: Yeah. There are other collegues who aren't as nice.
R: I can confirm that.
R: And with all these awards, is there on that stands out?
B: I think the VMA is something very special. One is extremely proud of that. It was one of these moments - and I know everybody says this all day long - but we really didn't expect that, really to 0%. That came as a complete surprise. And that was a moment you don't forget.
T: And apart from that, of course all VIVA/MTV - awards .
B: Yes .
T: Comet... actually, how many do we have? Comets?
Ge: Dunno...
T: We have a lot of Comets.
B: A lot.
Ge: 8?
[woman in background: I think so...]
Ge: 9?
T: 9, 10, 11? Something like that?
T: Anyways, we have lots of Comets. The Comet for example was our first award. You have to say, that was our first music award we won. And apart from that, of course the first EMA, that's also something special, and VMA... it really are VIVA and MTV awards that always are extremely important. For you have to say... VIVA and MTV... we are friends of this... they are, like, the last music channels that still are around. Although generally they could play a bit more music. But that are generally the big music events: VMAs, EMAs - we always like to go to these events.
R: And is there an award that you'd still like to win?
T: Um... Grammys, I'd say.
B: Yeah, a Grammy. *laughs* Of course, that's ridiculous, but in the end, that's what every musician wants. So that would be one very, very remote goal.
R: Or an Oscar.
B: Yeah, an Oscar would be awesome.
Ge: For best soundtrack.
B/T: Right!
R: And whom would you like to give an award to? And what for?
B: Whom would I like to give an award to...
T: I'd like to give one to Bill, for "Unsexiest Woman".
B: Yeah?! I think I already did win that one.
T: Did you? But I'd still like to give it especially to you.
B: Ok, that's sweet.
Ge: As a special category...
T: And apart from that...
Ge: To my mommy...
T: For...?!
Ge: Best mommy of...
B: For the good food, or what?
Ge: Yeah.
R: And what can one give you to make you happy?
B: Long sleep. And my own bed. If I could, I'd pack my own bed and take it with me everywhere. Because that is real luxury. To sleep in your own bed, and to sleep long... Thing is, I always have to get up with an alarm clock. Even if I go to bed at midnight, and have to wake up at 4 pm, I still have to set an alarm clock. I don't wake up at 4pm just like that. I think if I wouldn't set an alarm clock, then someday I won't wake up any more, I think.
Ge: That would be dreadful. Imagine you forget it some day...
B: I hope there'll at least be some dog that wakes me up...
T: Alarm clocks. I hate alarm clock.
B: Yeah... but own bed and long sleep. Yeah.
R: Very important prerequisites. And what's your goal for the new album? Do you have one?
B: Basically, what we want is to do a world tour. That's a dream of us to someday tour around the whole world. Apart from that...
T: Tokyo, some day...
B: Exactly. But apart from that, we haven't that big goals. Because, if it goes as before, then we'd be more than happy.
T: Let me just say: Also with the music awards. If it would go an as it has so far, that would also be totally ok. We're completely happy with the previous albums, and everything went completely above all our expectations, and if it remains only remotely like that, we'd be absolutely happy. But we'd definitely like to go to Tokyo.
R: That's the long-term goal. Or are there even more long-term goals?
T: Of course, our long-term goal is to bring out 10 more successful albums. But the next goals are Tokyo, and to play a really phat tour.
03.09.09 Mikl's Interview Radio NRJ X
2009.09.03-TH - Mikl's interview NRJ radio part 1.flv
2009.09.03-TH - Mikl's interview NRJ radio part 2.flv
2009.09.03-TH - Mikl's interview NRJ radio part 3.flv
2009.09.03-TH - Mikl's interview NRJ radio part 4.flv