Freitag, 4. September 2009

04.09.09 Viva Interview Part 3 - 5 X


04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 3:

04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 4:

04.09.2009 - Tokio Hotel Interview Teil 5:

Part 5
R: Is it true that Jay Z invited you to dinner?
T: Hm... I don't think that Jay Z paid, to be honest.
B: Yeah, I don't really know...
T: I don't know who invited whom.
B: He was at one of our concerts. But we didn't know beforehand, it was more of a spontaneous thing, we didn't know that he would be there. We just learned of it shortly before. And, yeah, afterwards we all went to eat something together. But I don't know who invited whom.
T: I think the record label paid.
B: Yeah, I think so, too.
R: And in situations like these, do you feel equal - or do you still feel a bit "small"?
B: You don't really think about it. Sure, sometimes you're nervous when you meet other people, but you don't think about it. In the end, you just have a normal conversation... You don't really think about it. When you remember how many records he has sold... but you don't do that in that moment.
R: And of all the people you've met, who has impressed you most? Is it possible to say that?
Ge: I personally have always been most impressed by Tom.
T: Yeah... but of course, that would be setting the bar a bit high... But I have to say, for me personally, ... Jay Z was nice...
B: A highlight.
T: ... to meet him. George hasn't met his idol yet, it's still David Hasselhoff.
Ge: Yeah, but... um...
T: He hasn't had the chance to meet him in person yet. And apart from that, it's always just these fleeting...
B: ...encounters.
T: ...encounters. Like, at EMAs or VMAs, you meet everybody from Britney Spears to whomever else there is... I mean, everybody is there. But it's, like, you see them in the corridor, and you say "Hi" quickly, and then everybody has his own appointments, and there isn't much time for much conversation or to get to really know somebody. So, hard to say... but dinner with Jay Z was a pleasant evening.
R: Pleasant evening. Cool. So... you'd like to meet David Hasselhoff... whom would you like to meet?
T: I'd like to meet Jessica Alba.
Ge: Really? That's a new one...
B: I can't really think of somebody I'd like to meet... Ah, wait: I'd like to meet Steven Tyler.
T: Him I'd also like to meet. I'd also like to meet Aerosmith.
B: Yeah, I'd like to meet Aerosmith.
T: Whom would you like to meet?
Gu: I think I'd like to meet Steve Jobs.
R: Somebody far from the music scene for a change...
Gu: Just to let him tell some stories about his life.
R: Ok, Steve Jobs... And whom would you love to give a talking-to?
B: Ohhh....
T: Whoa... there would be quite a few...
Ge: there would be quite a few...
T: But we can't talk about that here.
B: But it aren't public persons, I think.
T: Nah, there are some in the public...
B: Yeah?! Then have a go, Tom.
T: No, no... I'm not allowed to tell that here. But there definitely are some...
Ge: ...special friends.
T: But we don't want to go into that.
R: No politician or something like that?
T: Politician?
Ge: Among others...
T: Yeah?
B: Are politicians on this list for you?
T: For me, it wouldn't be politicians in the first place.
Ge: Ok, for me neither. But... they would deserve a talking-to.
R: Journalists?
B: Oh yes.
T: Oh, there would be quite a few journalists...
Ge: I didn't even think of journalistst!
T: There would be quite a few journalists. But, I mean... you often just let it go. I mean, sometimes there are situations where you could give them a talking-to, but...
B: Some journalists we gave a talking-to.
T: With journalists, we did that. But there are, like, other collegues whom you'd love to tell som things... but one just doesn't do it. Usually, you try to be nice.
R: Just too well-behaved...
B/T: Yeah
T: One has to say, we're very friendly, in my opinion, aren't we?
Ge: At times, too friendly.
T: Yeah. There are other collegues who aren't as nice.
R: I can confirm that.
R: And with all these awards, is there on that stands out?
B: I think the VMA is something very special. One is extremely proud of that. It was one of these moments - and I know everybody says this all day long - but we really didn't expect that, really to 0%. That came as a complete surprise. And that was a moment you don't forget.
T: And apart from that, of course all VIVA/MTV - awards .
B: Yes .
T: Comet... actually, how many do we have? Comets?
Ge: Dunno...
T: We have a lot of Comets.
B: A lot.
Ge: 8?
[woman in background: I think so...]
Ge: 9?
T: 9, 10, 11? Something like that?
T: Anyways, we have lots of Comets. The Comet for example was our first award. You have to say, that was our first music award we won. And apart from that, of course the first EMA, that's also something special, and VMA... it really are VIVA and MTV awards that always are extremely important. For you have to say... VIVA and MTV... we are friends of this... they are, like, the last music channels that still are around. Although generally they could play a bit more music. But that are generally the big music events: VMAs, EMAs - we always like to go to these events.
R: And is there an award that you'd still like to win?
T: Um... Grammys, I'd say.
B: Yeah, a Grammy. *laughs* Of course, that's ridiculous, but in the end, that's what every musician wants. So that would be one very, very remote goal.
R: Or an Oscar.
B: Yeah, an Oscar would be awesome.
Ge: For best soundtrack.
B/T: Right!
R: And whom would you like to give an award to? And what for?
B: Whom would I like to give an award to...
T: I'd like to give one to Bill, for "Unsexiest Woman".
B: Yeah?! I think I already did win that one.
T: Did you? But I'd still like to give it especially to you.
B: Ok, that's sweet.
Ge: As a special category...
T: And apart from that...
Ge: To my mommy...
T: For...?!
Ge: Best mommy of...
B: For the good food, or what?
Ge: Yeah.
R: And what can one give you to make you happy?
B: Long sleep. And my own bed. If I could, I'd pack my own bed and take it with me everywhere. Because that is real luxury. To sleep in your own bed, and to sleep long... Thing is, I always have to get up with an alarm clock. Even if I go to bed at midnight, and have to wake up at 4 pm, I still have to set an alarm clock. I don't wake up at 4pm just like that. I think if I wouldn't set an alarm clock, then someday I won't wake up any more, I think.
Ge: That would be dreadful. Imagine you forget it some day...
B: I hope there'll at least be some dog that wakes me up...
T: Alarm clocks. I hate alarm clock.
B: Yeah... but own bed and long sleep. Yeah.
R: Very important prerequisites. And what's your goal for the new album? Do you have one?
B: Basically, what we want is to do a world tour. That's a dream of us to someday tour around the whole world. Apart from that...
T: Tokyo, some day...
B: Exactly. But apart from that, we haven't that big goals. Because, if it goes as before, then we'd be more than happy.
T: Let me just say: Also with the music awards. If it would go an as it has so far, that would also be totally ok. We're completely happy with the previous albums, and everything went completely above all our expectations, and if it remains only remotely like that, we'd be absolutely happy. But we'd definitely like to go to Tokyo.
R: That's the long-term goal. Or are there even more long-term goals?
T: Of course, our long-term goal is to bring out 10 more successful albums. But the next goals are Tokyo, and to play a really phat tour.

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