Donnerstag, 29. September 2005

Leb die Sekunde DVD (with Translation)


Bill: [sings 'Jung und nicht mehr jugendfrei'] “… and we have to pass, we’re young but not G-rated anymore. I’m sorry I know we shouldn’t but we start living now”… etc
Guy on couch: Have you ever had a gig for more than five people?
Bill/Gustav: Just five isn’t very much is it? [Tom laughs]
Guy: So you’ve had more?
Bill: Yes, mostly ten or twelve…
Guy: Okay.

Bill: Sleep well in your room all three together; don’t worry about me being alone…

Tom: I’ll fill the refrigerator now… "have you got 'rot' (=red in German)?"
[notice: the boys love to drink flavored milk! they simply mix regular milk with flavored powder. and they love the RED (=rot) POWDER, which TASTES LIKE STRAWBERRY (the yellow one is banana flavor LOL)]
Woman: Yes, we have.
Tom: I’m gonna take this.

Guy: How long are you together now?
Tom/Georg: Since two… two and a half years.
Guy: That’s quite long
Tom: Yeah, that’s how long the four of us are together and Bill and me have been making music together even before that. The two of us, and we also performed, and at a gig they kind of mediated themselves to us [laughs].

Georg: And then we met and it got really fun and it worked out well. In the beginning the age-difference was a bit weird though…
Tom: We don’t really notice, you’re a bit retarded you know…
Georg: Yeah, indeed

Tom: I have listened to new-[something] for a while, but now I only listen to Hip-hop actually.

Guy on the couch: You brought out a single now, and what’s it called?
Tom: … Uhm… “It’s my life”?
[All laugh]
Guy: Really?
Tom: No!
Bill: [Laughing] “It’s my life…”

Guy on couch: What are your fans like, like you?
Bill: Yes, our fans are cool…
Guy: Your fans are cool.
Bill: Exactly, they’re always standing first row and rock along whatever happens, and they’re certainly very important. Otherwise bands wouldn’t exist, they are the ones that keep the bands going and the ones who buy the CD’s so more music is made, and that’s important too.

Bill: It’s always different. Now they play the music first and I somehow finish it with the text, but mostly I first write the text and sing the melody and then we try to fit in the music.

Bill: [sings] … and then she sends me a star back, which says; “drop by if you want to”.

Guy: Did you have fun today?
Bill: Yes, it was cool.
Guy: What have you sung today?
Bill: We’ve recorded Rette Mich, that’s a ballad and then we’ve made “Schönes Mädchen aus dem all” with the band.
Guy: Just now?
Bill: Yes, we just played it.
Guy: And were the people inspired by what you sung?
Bill: Yes, incredibly [Laughs]

Guy: Do you all have different tasks in the band. Does everyone do something when you’re going somewhere?
Tom: Of course mine are the most important
Bill: Yes
Tom: Well, no, Bill always has to help
Bill: But I don’t…
Guy: Even though you don’t have that much equipment, they need you
Bill: Hmhm
Georg: Well, we always have to carry his PA box.
Tom: But we all do that. Everybody helps carrying the guitars and the drums en stuff

Bill: Well, just… stay loyal…
Others: yes…
Tom: And you’re great!
Bill: Come to our performances and let us rock.

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