Donnerstag, 15. September 2005

Tokio Hotel Interview 2005 X (with Translation)

Download Part 1

Download Part 2


translation by dypnf/tha!

Bill: I'm Bill and the singer of the band.
Tom: Hi, I'm Tom and play the guitar.
Gustav: I'm Gustav and play the drums.
Georg: I'm Georg and I play the bass. And all together we are Tokio Hotel.

Bill: We live in a village, a really small village. We live right across from a field. The village itself is already small but we live even outside from that. There are 3 houses a big hill and across from that a field. And we live in one of the 3 houses.

Tom: You can't say that we are totally against nature. It's nice to sit in a bus and see all this but you don't have to clamber up in it.

Bill: Of course we also have other hobbies. For example: I really love to design clothes and Tom likes to make graffiti. But mostly it's all about t music.
Tom: For Bill and me it always was clear that we will make music. We started pretty early and since then it was the only thing we wanted to do.

Bill: We thought about it together. A name which symbolizes all the time what we can experience right now. Ja, experience is the right word for it. We experience a lot right now. None of us really knows Tokyo and we think that you can experience a lot there and Hotel because we're on the road a lot now and foremost does the name sound cool. It really fits to our band.

German/English lyrics
Album in general

Bill: We always made German-speaking songs because I already started to write songs before we even had English at school. I always wrote them in German because it wasn't possible to do different then. Every once in a while we tried English songs and I think all bands do this, but all in all we always made German music.

Bill: The lyrics are pretty thoughtful. For sure you should take your time when you listen to the album. But there are also party songs which are not so deep. It's really mixed. There is a lot of different influence on that album since everyone of us listens to different music.

1. Single/Shooting of the video

Bill: The first single is "DDM". It fits really well to the band. It's a little mysterious. It's about to dare to go to another world for someone you find again. And we experience a lot at the moment, too and we are in a new world. And that's why we think the song fits so well as first single.

Bill: The video shoot of our first video was at a lake near Berlin. We did the shoot at two locations. Everything was outside, one at a cornfield and one at a lake. It was pretty wet and a lot of leaves......
Georg:....several animals....
Bill:You've to understand that we are all "Drinnis" We separate always by "Drinnis" and "Draussis". The "Drinnis" are inside most of the time and we love the city. Actually we are always in the city....
Tom:...Coffee Bars...
Bill: Ja, at Coffee Bars. It was really hard for us to stand in the middle of a field because that's something usually "Draussis" do. Camping is not working for us at all, we are always inside. There always has to be something human nearby. Means, when we're in the meadow there has to be a tarred street coming after latest 3 miles. Something human so that you don't feel lost.
Tom: Best is to avoid unoccupied nature.
Bill: Ja, and it was pretty unoccupied where we did the shoot. We've had a lot of trouble because of that. We had many discussions because we would have prefered it to make the video in the city but it is an outside song and I think I wrote it a little "draussig" but it fits the song.

Tom: The basic idea for the video was that the sky is permanent existing out of ocean and water and everything pushes from above which fits really well to a monsoon. And the thing is that this were all "Draussis" locations. All of us classify the people in "Drinnis" and "Draussis" and we belong to the "Drinni" fraction and the you have the "Draussis" like our producer was because she chose the location which on the other hand fit well. But it did cost us quite an afford. We had to stand in the rain and lumber through the water with bloodsucker and in the wood were bugs and ticks and what else is jumping around there.
Bill: Birds who poop on us...
Tom: Ja, the birds pooped on us and these are things which are more for the "Draussis". Actually that doesn't work for us at all but it fit really wel for the video.

Tom: No. Actually the video shoot was really wicked, though it was cold and wet. What was striking about the shoot? Mmmhh.. actually nothing shocked me except that I saw Georgs naked butt sometimes because he was not wearing any underwear underneath....


Georg: Live is the best there is. To present your songs to others and see that they like it. That's just about the limit.
Tom: "Schrei" is my favorite performance live. It's the one which sounds live the best and the one where you can rock best.


Bill: Our album is coming out at the end of the year. We will play everything, also as support act. And we will perform a lot. And the we will do our own concerts. We are looking forward to it. The main thing is that a lot of people are coming.

Bill: Of course our biggest dream is to play in Tokyo at one time. That's something we all wish for.
Georg: We try to turn our hobby into our job and I think that's a dream everyone has because it is rare that you have fun with what you do for a living.

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